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I AM FOREVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Whew babe I got a headache. All that drama since I came downstairs" she asked for a drink of spring water 

"Here sweetheart" as he agreed all that drama when they found out The Gold Palace was being disrespected by Diamond Princess

"What do you think about Alpha Michael Blackstone sweetie?" she asked her Alpha husband 

Michael "He is on our side. She is the frienemy. We could never trust her. She still RiRi. She killed his Father by having se*x with that old man. He does not even know this yet."

Sweet Pea "Honey I heard you in my sleep. That you want us to go to another location and you and I will leave the Family here for two weeks?"

"Yes baby. They already here for the holidays and we need to go on another vacation like a cabin home with snow and take 'Magic' and just watch the snow fall"

He so romantic. Wanting his wife to just get some R&R not just wait on him hand and foot. All that drama with her Daddy and Mother. She knows her Father and Mother is headed to The Gold Palace to have it out with Diamond Princess and The Camp Cupcake Wolf Pack. He will destroy that pack. 

Her daddy is Blacula and he is a Count and he is one to be reckon with......

Sweet Pea "My daddy and mother have left haven't they?"

"Well they are suppose to be sleeping in the Man Cave where there is an indoor pool for them"

Sweet Pea "I did notice them I was just under some kind of spell and I was wanting to fight for my man"

Michael "You don't have to fight over me baby. She knows I belong to you. That is why she trying so hard to update. She don't have your imagination. You are the Goddess of Imagination. She just copying all your stuff"

"Yeah, that bxxtch makes me sick"

"I unfollowed that bxxtch. She thinks Michael Jackson just likes white women. Diana Ross was your first love"

Michael "I love dark child and the world knows the other women was just for show" he always said that 

"I AM FOREVER" he held her tight 

"And We Are Forever"

Sweet Pea " You and I are FOREVER TOGETHER" and he nodded 

"So where to sweetheart for two weeks. While my daddy and mother go kick that bxxtch in her pale face ass?"

"I hope they do. I could never want a bxxtch that jumps over all the good parts just to act like me and her been together for twenty years. I knew you when you came to Never land at fifteen years old"

Sweet Pea "I am Paris Prince and Blanket don't act like heathens"

Michael "You know all my children got the Holy Ghost"

They both smiled Because he is right Michael Jackson is the gospel 

Sweet Pea "Come go with me to say good-bye to my Daddy and Mother down in the Man Cave"

They both went downstairs to say good bye and yes there were still there. Have not left yet Not before making sure their little Sweet Pea was safe from any more spells.

Sweet Pea "Daddy! Mother!" as she ran to them and hugged them.

Blacula "We are headed to The Gold Palace to kick that bxxtch in her ass"

Lady Gloddean "When I get through with her her own moma won't recognize her a ding bat rat fink I despises her" 

Sweet Pea "My husband and I are going to a cabin for some privacy just for two weeks"

Blacula "Yes, because my favorite holiday Hallo-Scream is coming up and I will be runnin with the pack then" he let out a boogie-man laugh

Sweet Pea and Michael slipped away before morning and Blacula and Gloddean left an hour later.

Diamond Princess will die before she knows what hit her. She will never try to out write The Goddess of Imagination. She will know that Sweet Pea and Michael are FOREVER......

"I AM FOREVER" ~Sweet Pea and Michael~

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