Halloween Scream

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Halloween Scream  . . . . . . . . .

Prince "We are going to break into the West Wing"

Paris "Daddy said to stay out of the West Wing because it is haunted"

Blanket "We was in there before and it scared the heck out of us"

Treasure "Yes we were in there before and it scared the heck out of us real bad too"

Tuesday "We are going to get into so much trouble guys from and Mom and Dad"

So they broke into the West Wing and went and found their daddy's old Zombie clothes bins from his thriller movie. They all found some costumes they like and put them on and they floowed the tunnel down through a secret passage?

Prince "Man it is spooky in this tunnel"

They all agreed while staying close together Yes It's Halloween and Hallo- Scream too? 

to be continued

Doc HollywoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora