The King Thriller Palace Party ~ part 139

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The King Thriller Palace Party     ~ part 139

So somebody has a secret on Lady RiRi and her new little flunky Little Susie The Whore is works in a Whore House in the dabbiest parts of the run down area known as Groupies Alley (sequel in Private Messages)...

Yeah this going to be a soap opera in the making. Seeing how all the mud slinging is about to start. There is always some mud sling when you fighting over a man's affection. But blood thicker then mud. Remember that and remember this "Be respectful of others and be good to yourself and be of honor and be honorable" ~Michael Jackson~ quote-unquote

 The Gold Palace has three more Halloween Parties planned

 1. The Alphas Mate Party

2. The She Wolf Party 

3. The King Thriller Palace Party

They have already had 

The Hallow-Scream Fest 

The Never Land Monster Mash

What about doing the She Wolf Party? Will they have battles between the Wolf Packs? 

The Camp that belongs to Lady RiRi and her Alpha The Dog Pound Wolf Pack always loes to

The Royal Nation Wolf Pack and The Kik Ass Wolf Pack so maybe Alpha Michael Blackstone Jr. can win one this time. If Sir Michael let's them. He has the strongest Wolf Pack in the World.

Sir Michael also has some of The Camp's wolf puppies he has raised to fight along with The Royal Nation Wolf Pack.

After what Lady RiRi knows just maybe she will get her one husky back Sweet Pea calls 'Magic'

Lady Sweet Pea will kill her over 'Magic' her prize Husky and don't forget when her and Sir Michael entertained at The Gold Palace and doing mating season they mated as werewolves are she got pregnant with their werewolf puppies they named them Pillow Jr. and Peter Pan Jr. after the pet names they have for each other doing mating season. (The Gold Palace sequel)...

Lady RiRi had better watch out because she is the most hated at The Gold Palace and she knows she is a maked target. The bigger the star the bigger the target, but she not a star She is the  Madame od a little whore name little Susie The Whore. Little Susie fell to tell her that she has taken care of all the Solders of Love. They ran a train on her drunk coochie the same night Sir Michael threw her out. Now Sir Michael knows about that. 

So Lady RiRi nor Little Susie The Whore is out of the clear. Her Alpha Thor can order for little Susie to be horse whipped or put in front of a firing squd for being so nasty. Usually, somebody goes in front of the firing squad during The Alphas Mate Party. They like to hear the guns go off. That is their fireworks show

The King Thriller Palace Party could be the sequel to the movie (King Thriller)...

Somebody just might take old Lady RiRi out in the woods and make her pay dearly for meddlin with The Jackson Women...

And Alpha Michael Blackstone Jr. has got the favor of Sir Michael so Lady RiRi had bestter get her act together because Alpha Michael Blackstone jr. could send her  off to go live with his dead daddy and her ex-father in law Old Mister Michael Blackstone Sr. So they are really married? Who knew?

Who knew that Lady RiRi and Alpha Michael were really married and she was writing love letters to Sir Michael? Does Alpha Michael know about this (go back to Winter In Paris in Sweet Pea and Michael)...sequel to Doc Hollywood

There had been some knowledge of those two working together back then. Does Sir Michael know that Alpha Michael and Lady RiRi are married? 

If he does he never told Lady Sweet Pea and if he does know will Lady Sweet Pea think her man was screwing around with a married woman back when she was his back up dancer? 

Remember the way Alpha Michael was looking at Lady Sweet Pea in (Satin Chocolate Sheets) ...

There is no way they all going to get away with this..... Not if the Goddess of Imagination has anything to do with it

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