King Killer Wolf Surfaces

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King Killer Wolf Surfaces 

The music to the sound system has been brought down as to be able to hear what is being whispered. Princess Treasure Mion has keen ears for eaves dropping and she has already picked up on a name Who is T. T. & T ? 

She is going to meet her match in just  few seconds if she is here in this Royal Theater trying to carry out a hit on Sir Michael or aka Doc Hollywood. This will be her last day on Earth

Princess Paris J."Who is T. T. & T?" i just heard what you just heard and this is not looking good for two pregnant women that should be rubbing their baby bumps not watching out for their Alpha husbands.

Princess Tueday Autumn "Shouldn't they know that they are the highest of the High?"

They look up un the VIP SECTIONS OF THE Royal Theater and Alpha Michael Blackstone Jr. and Lady RiRi gives their thumbs up. They must know where to take the shot. And Lady RiRi looks very suspicious. This is no time to try to get revenge on Lady Sweet Pea and Sir Michael. They have been nothing but fabulous to the couples since Sir Michael respects Alpha Michael Blackstone like a Brotha in the Broherhood. and now Lady Sweet Pea has accepted Lady RiRi into the Sisterhood. So what is this?

Since this is Thanksgiving the sound system department has been ordered by Sir Michael to play some Classic Christmas Jazz and slow the pace. Since the next scene for the King Thriller is another love making session with Sir Michael and Lady Sweet Pea so the lights will be a little dimmer, but Alpha Michael Blackstone eyes has changed to the infer red where he see shadows with a green glow vision. Being an Alpha means something.

The music is playing and on the BIG SCREEN there is Sir Michael and Lady Sweet Pea making yet another heir to The Gold Palace Dynasty and the word nasty is in Dynasty so get your mind out of the gutter please. Watch the Flick!

The have come to realize 50% of this flick is about how much Sir Michael loves his wife and so now somebody has got jealous anf been jealous for quite a long time. Get with the program. Sir Michael belongs to Lady Sweet Pea and not these groupy Thottianas!

Alpha Michael Blackstone whispers something to Sir Michael and Sir Michael gives his three daughters the signal to come back and be with their Mommy. She is nervous for them to be down there with the commoners and the suspects? 

They make a bee line back up to The VIP Section and Prince J and Blanket J and Sir Michael The Second have on the uniforms now. They look just like in the movie.

"Make My Day!" is the expressions they have on their faces

The movie continues.....

The Black Hawk Indians are on the BIG SCREEN and they are trampling those Camp Cupcake Wolf Pack rouges. Showing no mercy for traitors and meddling azz wanna-be just like Lady Sweet Pea and Sir Michael so darn bad. No dibbs beybeybeyeby

Lady Sweet Pea has her bow and arrow and she has her mack 10 Sir Michael has his sword and he has his glock and clips and silver bullets and whatever else to protect Lady Sweet Pea the mother of his eight children three step-children. All ready to bust a move and bust somebody head to the white meat So Bring It!

The Christmas Music has slowed some of the heart beats down a little. But this is Thanksgiving not Christmas and so this means somebody gonna get burried for Black Friday they too onry to get a wake and a funeral Just throw some dirt in the nasty varmit's face and be done with it is the motto.

Somebody going to be kissin a coffin from the inside and it is going to be like in 10 seconds because Lady RiRi is the chosen one to take THE SHOT!

The Arrow is flying and hit's it's target............!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!

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