Chapter 116 ~She really loves my Daddy

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She really Loves My Daddy. . . . .

Princess Treasure and Princess Tuesday know 100 Carol Wood Drive just as good as the other childrenand they know to call on Michael The Second their youngest brother born on September 7th 1993. He is the splitting image of Michael Jackson and an actor and he can play Doc Hollywood real good too

While the other children where decorating the Mansion, Treasure and Tuesday went back down in the tunnel and went to go to The Michael Jackson Lounge that is down there for grown folks. Teens not allowed so they went so nobody could tell on them. They are Michael's bad children children. The two girls he calls Laverne and Shirley? Now that is funny!

While down there after playing some old R&B CD's in the juke box an antique that belongs to their Mommy Sweet Pea, they went farther into the tunnels and decided to keep going and going until they came upon a woman locked in a slave cell?

Treasure "Look Tuesday, its some woman in there"

They both looked

"What she sleeping? She dressed like Rihanna The Super Star right?"

Yeah, so where Team Breezy then?" they both laughed but not for long

The woman looked brainwashed and drugged?

"Maybe we better get back upstairs before we run back into that blue ghost too" Treasure was ready to bounce

"Lets talk to her and see if she needs us to let her go"

So they both used their skeleton key and open up her cell but she was chained too?

"Hello, Miss? What is your name please?" they wanted to know

It's RiRi" the woman said 

RiRi "I love your daddy so much that its caused me to be locked away for life now" she was so sad

Treasure "You the one been writing those love letters to my daddy?"


They looked "Its RiRi!" they knew who she was but they bet not let her go free or their Mommy will whup their azz real good 

"Our Mommy hates you woman" they looked at her and mean mugged her real tough too

"I know she hates me but one time a long time ago your daddy used to love me I am one of his back up dancer on the Dangerous Tour"

she was pretty

"What's your real name then?"

"It's RiRi and your daddy he did desire me a long time ago but now he hates me because he is in love with Sweet Pea"

"I only wrote those letters so he would know I will always love him no matter what"

"BUT you can not have our daddy he loves our MOMMY not you woman" they both hate that woman now 

The woman knows she can not have Doc Hollywood but she will always love him and the girls now are starting to feel sorry for her

They know not to let her go but maybe they can talk to their daddy and get him to help her leave the country

They want to help her since she is pretty

The woman looked so sad she just confessed that she is so in love with their daddy that it cost her her freedom and her career she is a dancer. Their daddy is a dancer too

They really feel so sorry for her they want to help let her go? How foolish of those two!

They went to talk in a corner and decide to let her go but she better find her way out of the tunnels herself because Blacula is sleeping and when he see her he will kill her

The let her go and she said she will never bother their daddy ever gain but she knows she has an Alpha that will hunt her down if he ever gets free himself

RiRi took off down through the tunnels but might have been too late because Blacula's coffin was empty and he is loose and he is in the tunnels and so is Alpha Blackstone Jr. and Michael Blackstone Sr.

The two girls ran in the opposite direction to avoid being seen by their Gramps cause if those two bad girls ever are found out they let RiRi go its going to be held to pay 

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