Kill You Till You Can't Die No More

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Kill You Till You Can't Die No More  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"What is wrong with my daughter in-law" Queen Mother is seeing her change into something?"

"Mommy you OK" Treasure ask her poor Mommy who took too many xanax for her anxiety attack.

Sir Michael The Second "I thought you gave her just of of those blue football pills" his Daddy looked at him

Sir Michael The Second "I accidentally gave her the whole body Father...I think she took more than one I am so sorry Father"

Doc Hollywood "Sweet Pea Queen Queenie talk to me babe Talk to me sweet heart did you take more then one?"

She had dilated eyes and she looked mad as hell 

"Kill you till you can't die no more.........."

she kept right on chanting this 

Queen Mother "All that going on up at The Gold Palace has affected her real bad"

King Father "Yes, it has she wants to go to battle with that Diamond Princess new leader of The Cupcake Wolf Pack"

Sir Michael aka Doc Hollywood "Yeah she has turned into Lady Sweet Pea warrior woman"

"What are going to do? We will need to watch over her night and day. She is good with that bow and arrow and she and her Husky 'Magic' can make it back down the canyon to the Gold Palace and we will never know they were missing." Queen Mother looked worried 

"What is that Gawd awful music playing from the basement coming from the Man Cave?"

Princess Paris went to sit by her Daddy. The home seems haunted by that song 

Sir Michael aka Doc Hollywood "It is a war song and Sweet Pea is in her fantasy world right now"

"She is listening to that eerie song and she is now possessed by her past life?"

"She will be fine . We are here on vacation I will not let her go after Diamond Princess. I am here to care for my wife. She don't need no drama to prove she got me. I already said I don't won't that bxxtch and thats that!"

"Mommy Mommy snap out of it please" Tuesday Autumn could never see her Mommy in a trance

King Father "I should have never said anything. Now this poor girl wants to go do battle while you are trying to make love maybe make another baby or just enjoy the mountain snow caps. Go skiing or something. Now she has put this spell on herself and how can we get it off?" King Father wanted to know

Doc Hollywood "I'm going to call her daddy and Mother Count Blacula and Lady Gloddean"

"Oh my Heavens I am going to pass out" Queen Mother slumped down in her Throne Chair and the grandchildren gathered all around her Blanket Jr. fanned her with a huge feather she needed some good air maybe go out in the snow for a good breath of fresh air too would help.

Sweet Pea got up. She walking in her sleep. Her medicine did not go with that Gin she drank last night. It made a dangerous cocktail in her system. She a walking time bomb. She grabs her sharp bow and arrows 

"Stop her daddy please" Paris is hysterical 

"Stop your wife Michael" Paw Paw Joe wanted to see if his boy could control his wife, while she has her Alpha powers

"Lady Sweet Pea "I command you to don't take another step towards that door woman!"

She turned around in a daze and starred right through him and pointed her bow and arrow towards him

Everybody backed in a corner except Sir Michael The Second and Prince Jr. In case they need to tackle their Mom and step-Mom

Sir Michael "Your daddy and mother are on the way. They have to travel pass Hades and come up through the flaming volcano"

Sweet Pea is not saying a word they just need her daddy Blacula and mother Lady Gloddean to hurry!  

The can't shut that eerie music off either it is being sent by The Royal Nation Wolf Pack. They are telling Sweet Pea they are at war with The Camp Cup Cake Wolf Pack . Sweet Pea is ready to shoot her bow and arrow.

The thing suddenly coming in the back door is her daddy Blacula and her mother Lady Gloddean.

Blacula a vampire went over to kiss daughter and took her bow and arrows away from her 

and snapped his fingers 

"Pop Pop Pop Pop" 

Lady Gloddean "Lady Sweet Pea aka Queen Queenie you must obey your husband for he is The Alpha and The Omega The First and The Last"

They hugged Sweet Pea their only child and a brave one at that.......

Doc Hollywood went to hug her too......

"Sweet Pea we are on vacation don't worry about The Gold Palace I will call The Soldiers Of Love and The Black Hawk Indians and they will go do battle with Diamond Princess and The Camp Cup Cake Wolf Pack. 

Sweet Pea focus her eyes when she heard her husband's voice and she hugged him 

"Michael I love you I took too many xanax and I started to trip"

"Yes baby you did....I had to call your daddy Blacula and your mother Lady Gloddean they arrived in seconds"

Blacula "I will kill you till you can't die no more" as he stood on the front porch with his dagger pointed towards Hidden Hills and gave out the warrior wolf cry


Lady Gloddean "My precious little girl she is no match for you. You are The Goddess of Imagination. You got more imagination in your baby finger then she has in her one eye lash"

They FAMily all had a huge laughed at that quote 

"Diamond Princess is jealous of you because you and your husband ranks among the Alphas and she is a mere commoner with fake supporters of thievery of others minds. She is like a sneak and a skunk and a stank" Prince Jr. had his step-mom's back too

"Can't you two stay and tell us some ghost stories tonight While we sit around the fire place"

Blacula "I don't do fairy tales I go and do the body count I am Count Blacula.......

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