Ranked 777

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Doc Hollywood have shown the world why his legacy will live on and on in his mystery/thriller .

It all started out the world wanting to have him make this incredible comeback and he first said no for 

a reason. He knew they were after his Beatles catalogue. The had to get his trust in order to carry our

their plot to have his many fans wonder in amazement. Will he be able to do 10 shows? He knew he 

could do ten shows easily. Don't forget Doc Hollywood was approached to help the sinking music 

industry. They knew a boy from Canada would only keep the world's interest as long as he stay away 

the thug life which that little twerp did not. That left that little twerp in the hands of the doubters. They 

now doubt they have anybody else to ever come close to the 7th Wonder of The World. So where so 

this all leave us? To create our many MJ Fantasy as possible. Yes, their will be many genres of the

memories. The one out front is the hoax. Is gaining ground because of the many many clues left.

So can we continue where we left off. Sequel to the Sequel to the Sequel...........

The Return of Queen Queenie 

The Pool Party a fight broke out between Little Susie and Queenie. Queenie does not take any 

mess from Doc's many bed partners. They are going to respect his lady love. After all she is 

The Goddess of Imagination and she wears the Pink Fedora. She is also Queen Queenie Jackson

She did not realize that Little Susie was on her property and brought with her four other from his 

past. They were gaining up on a goddess with powers. Susie posing as Ice from the reality show

1st Black Bachelor? Nonsense.......

Little Susie was only a song. She meant nothing to his love life. Queenie quickly prove that even 

the memory of a dead girl would come and steal what she and Doc Hollywood has shared over the


So she was cold as Ice and she attacked Queenie? Well Susie got her head handed to her. After

she return to the Mansion with her Father 'Blacula and her Mother Lady Gloddean' the mansion

would likely be destroyed. But not so fast my little pretty........... they Doc Hollywood's hired help has

plans for a MJPERVS NIGHT OUT? 

Blacula "what the devil?"

Lady Gloddean "It's a harem of whores" she knew what it is

You have to keep having those parties are the ranking of the best parties in the neighborhood 

goes down, but that is a good thing because the small rankings do the best justice. It gets you

closer to no.1

Yet in other parts of the world higher rankings get you higher ranks. Like from a private to a Corporal

Where are the two badd asses from deep under the earth staying? Since they will be attending

The Pervy Country Club and hoping to become VIP members in disguised. The Valet for Parking

perhaps. Or the hat check Lady will make for great undercover.  Queenie wont be there just yet 

she has a bone to pick with Bollywood Tour Promoters. She got just the person they need to

discover her dog Chico is one and the newest sensation JJFish oh you just got to go check 

that video out. He is quite the ladies man. But will he come close to The Legend of All Times.

Doc Hollywood last sexual cheating came at the hands of Van Glorious but if you add up the years 

Right now she is exactly 61 years old she was 56 back in 2009. Dazz'Mion is 71 years old.

She was 66 back in 2009. Mar'Cell is 81 years old She was 76 back in 2009. Now Queen Queenie

has the fountain of youth and she and Little Susie and Angela (Cinnabuns) and Doc Hollywood

are all 56 they were 51 back in 2009 (that was just count (666) I kid you not

When we Queen Queenie be joining Doc Hollywood again. In the sequel MJPERVxMJPERV when

they all come together for a mjperv night out. Queen takes her rightfully place and her fightfully place

Oh there is a lot of Nonsense going on but this is not Sunday School (Skool) for the OG old gangtas

Why shouldn't wear her Pink Fedora? She is his Queen

She got a sexy name and she writes sexy fan fictions when her sexy man goes on tour. Didn't you

get the memo? Nonsense Is A Genre Book One Book Two Book Three they will give insight into it 

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