chapter 7 : Flip The Script

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He is sitting looking at the novel. Not knowing if he should open it or not. He knows somebody will a helluva imagination is writing the novel as he is reading it. You can't make this shit up. No cover No Name some pages are blank, so he guess that so the writer can Flip The Script. Who the hell she think she fuckin with. He don't have to open the novel. His patience has ran out. You got to be a mind reader. The character has to take control sometimes and refuse to play the part. If he blows the writer's mind then the writer is stuck. But if the writer is full of nonsense, anit no telling what the fuck's gettin ready to happen. He decides to not open the novel and wait it out. How long it might take. He begins to think so who the hell does the writer want him to be. He's waiting. He has waited in the writer's mind for days. He doesn't believe the writer can continue if he does not cooperate. He is reading the writer's mind right now. "Your move" he hollered out "Then push save and published" he laughed. Oh he gonna get it now:

He hears something. Walking Floating Coasting Shivering Peeping Admiring Taunting looking cunning. He knows not opening the novel has got him to first base. From behind the door the imagination speaks. "You are messing up my plot" the voice finally spoke. 

"Who shall I say that I am" he played along 

"You not who you think you are" the voice replied

"I don't know who I am" he replied back

"Don't you think I know that" the voice kept speaking but stays behind his door. A place once were he came to just read 

"Have you decided how you will approach the next chapter?" he asked trying to keep the company he has.

"It's just an extra chapter. It won't hurt anything" the voice said I just have to out think you"

"No way" he told the voice 

"I see you have just got me peckin and I hate to peck. I like to flow" the voice spoke. 

"OK, I'll sit here while you work your little act"

"You are still under my control" the voice whispered" 

"Just want you to know I did remember the huge gates" he wanted to show how smart he is

"I'm not worried about that" the voice is really convincing

"I'm headed back" the voice spoke and he was hearing something like a swimming waves or swishing sound" 

"When I go to sleep and start to dream I will see the gates and go right through them" he knew if the voice would only let him

He decides to re-open the novel but all the pages have been erased? he is not shocked. 

"I dont feel sleepy" he started to realize. "Oh no I can not sleep?" "How will I see the huge gates now?" he still was worried because the voice sound so sweet in spite of the imagination it processes. He figures the voice is working on something hoping he won't remember after this chapter. He don't want to remember. So the fuck up. He knew better the voice likes to create. So he better just be patient and hope something changes. He looked to see if the novel was still placed on the table. No cover No Name. Now still no new chapters and the old ones vanished quickly. He got up to mark what he thinks is his last marking on the wall. He stop counting just seconds ago.

He thought to himself. The voice probably not going to let him meet it. Seems like the voice is got a lot of plots going at the same time.  He forgot he is chained to the chair and they are still there. But if the pages are gone he should not be chained anymore. He saw his glass of milk but without the ice. He thought "I'm not drinking warm milk. It makes you sleepy" so he left the warm milk along too.

He thought if I am not who I think I am suppose to be, then I must have some powers if I get back to who I really am. so he thought. I was be the voice inside the voice's head or is it the other way around. "Is the voice in my head?" so he thought. Oh he thought again the voice is waiting til the right count comes up and then Flip The Script. He hopes it's getting close. Is this novel called the book of numbers?

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