Damaged Goods

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It's the people you love the most who hurt you.
The ones who you give the world to who destroy you.
The ones who you call you family who forget you.
I'm tired of being damaged goods that's passed around with no true owner.
You only hit me up when it's convenient for you.
But I'm dying to find out if you're okay.
Part of me wants to get rid of you for good, but the love makes me stay.
I don't know if I hate you or if I love you but there's clearly something stopping me from letting you go.
I'm tired of being treated like a second choice.
I'm tired of being left alone when you promised you wouldn't leave me alone.
You changed for a week.
That week.
When I only had a week.
And then you disappeared.
Went back on promises and broke my heart again and again and I'm trying to figure out why you treat me like damaged goods.
Like I can just be used whenever it's valid to you.
And I know I can't take care of you but I try my best despite the travel.
And yet I feel like you use me.
And it hurts.
Breaks me down to the core.
Makes me want to run away into an afterlife.
And yet here you are feeling worthless, but I'm the one who's worth less.
But I'm the support, I'm the love, I'm the Bob the Builder.
Because nobody will ever give you what I give you.
So why bullshit me?

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