Hold Me

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I stare at the silent roof of my house whispering for some sort of warmth to hold me tight.
Though I know the only ones around are the monsters in the shadows and the demons in my head.
It's like I'm longing for this needed affection and sensual touch but forcing it away from me.
Like my soul knows I don't deserve the love, but my heart screams for it.
I don't believe in God but there is some strange sense of him pushing greatness from my fingertips.
It's like I deserve attention but I have to make mistakes to be acknowledged.
I wonder if you lied to me about love too?
That I don't deserve it.
But you held me in your arms and told me I did anyway.
I can't trust you anymore.
Maybe I can.
I don't know anymore.
Maybe the soft touch of a human is much needed when I'm distressed and in my head.
Though I can't promise you that it'll save me.

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