Succession above Repetition

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I guess there's a problem with progress.
Moving upward while throwing your problems downward.
Only problem is they're hooked to a bungee cord and things constantly switch.
The idea of succeeding is so powerful and yet we forget all of the small victories in the process.
Each milestone no matter how big or small happens to be irrelevant in the idea of success.
Big numbers.
Lots of money.
Unfortunately looking to the bright side hurts your eyes to much.
What's so good about the upside when no matter what we're being thrown upside down.
The repetitious cycle of doing something to improve another and then failing altogether is mind numbing.
Why should I build up skills that I'll only use once?
Why should I do anything that doesn't directly influence my future?
The constant repetition of mining away at my brain cells to produce some form of dopamine rush isn't even worth it.
So what the fuck is the point?
Highest of highs against the lowest of lows.
Success but at a cost of high repetition.

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