Explaining Some Characters [A/N] (Maybe/Not Really Spoilers?)

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Okay, so, after the 11th chapter, everyone is talking about the fetus girl herself, Jack the Ripper.

And when I say talking about her, I mean talking about the fact she's a bunch of unborn fetuses. 

Also, I'm sure you fellas already figured it out, but Jack's going to be an addition.


Let me explain my head canon for Jack. 

So, Jack the Ripper is indeed a group of unborn fetuses. That part's too iconic for me to cut out without someone loading a 12 gauge somewhere. 

Instead, I made it so Jack is a bit more emotionally human. 

The reason being is that when she was first summoned, the person who summoned her tried to do their best in raising her. It wasn't perfect, but to the point that she has 'morals' and doesn't eat hearts because watching people wiggle around in fear is funny.

She's a bit of a yandere, and the line between her cutting someone up and her not doing so is a thin one. 

If you didn't keep an eye on her, and your buddy slapped your back, and you said 'ow', Jack's on that shit. 

You can explain what's okay and what's not, and of course, if you manage to stop her before she turns your friend into sushi, you can tell her that he didn't mean to hurt you and such. 

Of course, good luck with that. 

She has abandonment issues, considering she's a group of aborted fetuses, and in the book, she'll be paranoid about you going to school until you get back. She'll be paranoid if you're late too. 

She still has mom issues, so you can expect Medusa to continue to be on the top of the food chain. 

She does make a hobby of killing prostitutes, though. We can add that in there too. 

Her defense against mental attacks isn't as goodthough, as you guys saw.

So, to recap.

-She's a bunch of unborn fetuses
-She has morals
-She's a yandere
-She has mom problems
-She hates prostitutes
-Def. Against mental attacks lower

That should sum it up nicely. Comment if you have any questions, and I'll answer to the best of my ability. 


You want me to explain the Vashen variant of Astolfo?

It's Astolfo the way she should be. 

See you guys in chapter 12, then. I'm gunna take a nap. I'm exhausted. 

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