Something... a Bit More Normal... [4]

Start from the beginning

Astolfo: "Do your best, Y/N!" Astolfo gave you a thumbs up and a grin, making you chuckle weakly.

Y/N: It's just to release stress, not to compete...

Tetsuya: "Well, new kid? How about it? Think you can beat me?"

Y/N: What, now because a cute gi-- I mean, a girl-looking boy is here you suddenly wanna compete...?

You exhaled. Now you couldn't back down.

Y/N: "Sure. Let's see what you got." Tetsuya grinned.

The both of you set the speed of the baseballs to be roughly 80km/h. Afterwards, the two of you got into position, as the machines launched their projectiles.


Tetsuya: "OOOOOOORA!!"

You both missed.

Both of you stood there awkwardly before getting back into stance as another ball came flying.

Both of you missed again.

Y/N: "...."

Tetsuya: "...."

Astolfo: "...Wow. You guys are really bad at this."

Tetsuya: "I-I was just trying to give the new kid a handicap."

Y/N: I have no excuse...

The two of you turned off the machines, before stepping out. The other two took the bats, and you explained how to set everything up. 

Of course, the both of them set everything to max. 

You bought a soda, before hearing the crack of a bat.

Tetsuya: "Whoooa! Good hit, Miss L/N!" 

You chuckled weakly as you heard the crack of another bat, and Tetsuya congratulating Astolfo. You had a feeling they were showing off. You drank your soda, before returning to the others. 

Astolfo was basking in his glory after having a ball hit the home run plate. 

Tetsuya: "Hey, new kid! You never told me your sister was good at batting!" 

Y/N: "I uh... didn't know." Astolfo twirled the bat and rested it on his shoulder chuckling as Medusa's cage buzzed. 

Tetsuya: "Whoa! Even your mom is good at baseball!"

Y/N: Hey, hey... when did you get into baseball...?

You looked over at Tetsuya to see him giving you a disappointed look. He just sighed sadly and looked back at the girls.

Y/N: Hey, hey! What the hell was that look for!?

The girls batted for a while, before the time ran out. Afterwards, you and Tetsuya parted ways, before you turned towards the girls. 

Y/N: "I think I'm gonna go see if I can do a quick shift. Will you two be fine getting home?" 

Astolfo: "Yep!" He grinned as Medusa gave a nod.

Y/N: "Alright, good to hear. I'll see you two when I can, then!" You said your goodbyes, before you all went your separate ways. 

You walked over to the bar, before walking in. The Boss looked up and chuckled.

The Boss: "I thought you were going to take the day off?" You smiled.

Y/N: "I had a bit of free time." The Boss tossed you your apron, and you set your stuff aside, before getting to work. 

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