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Mansir straightened his shirt then blew out a quiet breath before he opens the door. At first, he acted confused upon seeing two police officer together with his brother, sadiq

" Hello Officers?" he said more like a question. He then looked at Sadiq "what is this all about ? " he asked pointing at the officers

" They're here to question you" sadiq answered with folded arms.

" excuse me? What offence have I committed ? Haven't you done enough? "

The officers moved forward when things was about to get heated

" Mr ringim, we know this is a sudden visit for you but we're only here to do our job"

" Really " he folded his arms " what might that job be? "

"we're here to question you concerning his fiancee who met with an accident" one of the officers explained

Mansir cocked a brow " and how is that my business? "

" officer I told you he is the one,see how he is behaving. Arrest him" sadiq said angrily

" you need to calm down sir, we can't just arrest him without any evidence "said the officer , he then turn round to mansir " may we come in? "

" sure" he moved away so they could all enter. Mansir stride to sit on one of the chairs, followed by the officers and sadiq.

" Do you care for a drink? "

" No, we're ok" they rejected " let's begin. "

" OK. Go ahead" he nodded

" Where were you around 4pm yesterday? "

" I was in the office of course. Where would I be? Or did you think I hit rahama? " he scoffed

" No sir ,don't put words into our mouth. We're only doing out job. " they said and carry on " who is your witness ? Who is this particular individual that saw you in your office? "

" my dad" he said like a Matter of fact " you can ask him if you don't believe me ".

" Where is he right now ?"

" at the office "

" What are you even doing at home today when you're suppose to be at the office. I'm sure you stayed home just to cover all your tracks. I'm very sure that it's you who hit rahama. You're jealous because you can't have her and you've always being jealous of me "

" SHUT UP!. You can have her for all I care, I don't give a damn anymore. Stay out of my life and business. Take your officers out of my house "

" your house?" sadiq mocked " or have you forgotten that this house also belongs to me!. I have access to this house as much as you do so don't stand here and tell me what to do in my own father's house"

" so now he is your father? Have you forgotten that you yourself disowned him as your father? "

" That's before I knew the truth about you and your mother's wicked act. I wonder which kind of soul you have "

Mansir glared at him " don't talk about my mother like that "

" what will you do? Oh, are you also going to hit me with a car same as you did with rahama? "


" Gentle men please you need to calm down"

" officer listen to me. This man standing here is a murderer. You need to arrest him. I'm very sure he's the culprit " sadiq said, pointing at mansir

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