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Sadiq stride quickly toward the ladies restroom,the phone kept ringing. He waited patiently for rahama to come out. He heard the running tap stopped ,which indicate that the person inside was about to come out. Thank God there wasn't anyone around if not they might be having different thoughts on why he was waiting outside the female restroom.

Finally, the door got opened and rahama came out. She wasn't aware of his presence not until she heard a clearing of throat. At first she got startled.

" Sadiq? " she said when she notice his figure resting on the wall " what are you doing here? "

He move away from the wall and stride towards her. "  I brought your phone to you " he hand it over to her " it has been ringing non stop. I think it's important "

She nodded " uhm, thanks. " she checked the caller " it's my dad"

He nodded " yes "

" uhm, I'll just call him later. we should  join the rest. " rahama awkwardly said and was about to walk away.

" wait rahama! " he stopped her

She turn to him " yes? " she answered confused

Sadiq was restless. He doesn't know how to ask her out

" I'm so sorry for what happened" he pointed at her now wet clothes " I should have specified clearly "

She giggled " you've got nothing to be sorry about Mr mechanic " she purposely called him that.

With a mischievous look sadiq asked " Mr mechanic?"

" Yes, I think that name still suit you"

" really now? I thought I've already passed that stage already,spoilt brat " he look at her challengingly

" are we now on nickname bases? " she asked not breaking eye contact

" you tell me, are we? " he huskily said

She broke eyes contact with him. She knew she can't win this game. Sadiq broke into laughter " loser"

" don't call me that" she pout with folded arms

He chuckles " who would have thought that the crazy spoilt brat I once knew would be such a refined lady"

She scoff " and who would have thought that the mechanic man I once knew would be such a refined man" she shot back

He smirked " really?"

She rolled her eyes " don't call me that "

" No can do. That name is never going to be forgotten "

" Whatever! " she turn around to walk away

" rahama wait" he called her back again

She released a tired sigh " what? "

" I don't know if you'll be free tomorrow? "

She furrowed her brows confused " why do you ask? "

" uhm, I'd love to make it up to you"

" make what up to me? "

" what rahama did and please don't say No. It's my way of saying I was sorry"

Her mind couldn't believe what was happening. Sadiq is indirectly asking her out. She mentally fist bump the air.

She appeared normal, she wouldn't want him to know how happy she was " hmm, I think I'll be free by 2pm." she said like someone  who is quite interested.

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