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" so, as we already know, I'm getting married!!! " sakeena squealed loudly, almost getting some of the customer's attention. Her friends were also  happy for her. They've been in the eatery for like an hour now and sakeena wouldn't stop getting excited about her soon wedding .

" I really can't believe that you'd be the first to get married amongs us!. This is surreal " badiyya told her with a smile

Sakeena playfully rolled her eyes " I also can't believe it too, girl. "

Rahama was just there, watching the two. She would only smile when she is suppose to and talk when she is also suppose too. Her mind is full of thoughts about sadiq. She hasn't been able to stop thinking about there last conversation. She wished she could meet him again coz her mind was already made up. Rahama wants to tell him how she feels, she don't think she can keep shut anymore. She wouldn't let sadiq escape her again for the second time like he did when he traveled out of the country and time isn't waiting anymore,She isn't growing any younger.

Among the trio, badiyya is the youngest of them.She is two years younger than them but she still act maturely like someone within their age.

" I was thinking maybe we should go for onion color " their conversation later changed to the colour of  Anko they are going to pick.

Sakeena nodded thoughtfully " I think it would be cool. I like that color "

" but don't you girls think we should go for mint green? I feel that alot of occasions that had been holding, that onion color is kind of too common. Why don't we go for a different color but that is if the bride is cool with it though " rahama suggested as she looks at sakeena for response

Badiyya agreed with rahama " yeah you're absolutely right. Last week a friend of mine got married and that same onion colour was the colour of anko they actually picked. I think we should go for the mint green too" she said thoughtfully

Sakeena smile " you girls are the one in charge, you don't need my approval. Anything you go for, I'm absolutely OK with it"

" OK then, it's settled . Mint green it is!"

A waiter came forward to pack their plates.

" bring us some ice-cream please "

" OK ma'am. what flavor would you like? " the waiter asked

Badiyya looks at her friends " what flavor to you two want? "

" our usual " rahama said with a shrug

" ok" badiyya faced the waiter" we will go for strawberry "

" OK." he nodded politely " I will be back in few seconds " he left after saying that.

" Girls, guess who called me yesterday? " badiyya whispered yelled

The two became alarmed thinking it was something so serious " who? " they asked at the same time.

She giggles " it's sagir. We're actually dating for real now"

" ahhhhhhhhhhh" sakeena squealed happily " I knew it. No wonder he woke up happy this morning "

" wow! many good news in one day" Rahama said with a smile " I think it's high time I get myself a man" she jokingly added

The two friends burst out laughing " Don't even try it. Yaya sadiq will definitely kill that person" badiyya told her 

" Don't even think of doing that"

Rahama rolled her eyes " then why haven't he confessed his love for me yet?. Look at me girls, I'm not growing any younger. I keep chasing away all the guys around me just because of one man and that same man I'm talking about hasn't even shown any interest. I really don't understand what is happening. I feel as if I'm just wasting my time " she poured out her heart to her friends. Rahama rubbed her forehead

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