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Assalamualaikum my beautiful readers,

How are you all doing? I hope all is going well for y'all. Before I proceed, am so sorry for  the late update and I hope you've all  forgiven me🙏😉❤❤❤

I also wanna use this medium to say a very big shout out to rabmeerah sswweeddyy BilkisMIdris rahma2246 Dijensy for the comments in my last chapter and I'm so sorry guys that this is my reward for you. I know it's little but manage it❤❤❤❤❤love y'all.

Lastly, this chappy is a really long one, I added  few things to it and I know you're all hoping to see some drama in this chapter between Mansir, sadiq and Rahama. So, y'all have to wait for the next chapter for the real drama. I'm sure you're all gonna enjoy this chapter too.

Enjoy 😘


Today which clocks 22nd of October is a day never to forget for Sadiq. This day reminds him of someone so special to him ,who is he to forget he r?when she is everything to him. That someone whose name is permanently tattooed in his mind and soul.

His mom, his everything.

Today was supposed to be her birthday but Allah already had plans for her. Sadiq always makes sure to give out sadaqa to the poor no matter the little he has on this day. He wouldn't forgive himself if he doesn't make use of this day. This morning when he went for subh prayer, her name was among the list of people the Imam and everyone present at the mosque prayed for. May Allah continue to forgive all her sins and make her one of his most loved child in Aljannatul fidaus and the rest of us who are still alive may Allah continue to shower his blessings upon blessings on us.

Sadiq didn't go back to bed after he came back from mosque, instead, he use the rest of the time to recite two nafillah on his mother's name. He prayed for Allah's mercy, strength, forgiveness and much more one could think of. His tears were never hidden, he let them flow freely without a care. All ,is for her, just her, the love of his life, the woman who gave birth to him, the one that always stood by him, his backbone, his strength. She isn't here anymore but her fragrance and looks is still buried deep inside sadiq's mind.  If he was given a second chance to choose another mother, he will always choose her. Her time on earth was short but her love for him is still alive like the air he breath.

He rose his hand up in Dua, he prayed like he has never prayed before, he cried like a child. After his unending prayers, he stood up to fold the prayer mat. He knew through out today, his voice will be hoarse due to his cry. Who cares.

He drop the neatly folded mat on the chair and went to check the time on his phone. The time was already 7:00am. He look over the bed where his friend is sprawled, sleeping without a care in the world. When in fact he is supposed to be preparing for work. Jafar never seems to be bothered whether he was at work  on time or not.

Sadiq wonders if his boss doesn't scold him, and whenever he confront Jafar over the same issue,he becomes defensive and claims that she does scold him. He thinks I'm a small child, thought sadiq.

Sadiq shook his head and move forward to wake Jafar up " hey, get up. Don't you have work to do at the office "

Jafar turn to the other side and was muttering gibberish words like a small child. Sadiq rolled his eye, he knew how his friend was a sleepyhead.

" get up Jafar, it's 8:00am already, aren't you supposed to be at the office by 8:00am?" sadiq lied just to see him wake up.

Upon hearing 8am, jafar jump up the bed quickly. He turn to his friend " is it 8 am already? " he asked with eyes wide open.

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