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That word was particularly what Sameer was feeling. He has never witness such a brutal accident as this one.This was totally brutal and pure wickedness. The car which hit rahama didn't even stay behind to save her, instead it fled immediately. It was as if it purposely hit her. People can be so wicked

Sameeer pace round in worry as the doctors were taking time to tell him how she was doing. He wanted calling the police but decided against it . He hasn't called any of rahama's family since he doesn't have her number. Thank God he found a phone on her but unfortunately the battery was dead so he pleaded with one of the nurses to please help him charge it.

He heard the sound of the emergency door open, he quickly stood up and rush to the doctor " please doctor tell me she is going to survive this? " almost in tears

The doctor heaved a sigh " I'm sorry, we are still trying our best on her. Are you the family of Miss.... " he trailed off

" Miss rahama " sameer told him not sure whether she is married " No, I'm not. I'm a friend of hers "

The doctor nodded " please you need to contact her family. There are some important things I need to converse with them. We also need there signature before we can undertake the operation "

Operation! " i-i-i " Sameeer was rendered speechless " is it that bad, doctor?"

" very very bad but we will try our best" the doctor said with his hand rested on sameer's left shoulder. He left after this.

Sameer didn't waste anymore time, he ran to meet the particular nurse he gave rahama's phone. Lucky for him the phone charged enough for him to make a call. He switched it on and search through her contact list.


He was sure that was her father's number. He called the number and patiently waited for him to pick. The phone rang the first time, then the second, the third , still no one picked the call.

He went on his hunt to check some numbers since her father wasn't picking and that is where he came across this particular number which she labeled as Mi Amor . Sameer wasn't French nor Spanish but he knew that word means my love. That might be her boyfriend or husband, he thought.

He dialed the number and waited for it to be picked


Sadiq went frantic, immediately badiyya came down to tell him that it's been two hours now since rahama left the house and hasn't return. She was scared thinking something bad might have happened to her on her way to hamisu shop. She had tried calling her but the phone was switched off. Sadiq also became restless. He was about to dial her number when his phone finally rang

Speak of the devil

He picked it up " Love where have you been? " his tone was laced with worry

" uhm, I'm sorry but this isn't her " he heard a voice said

" who is this? Who are you? what are you doing with her phone? " he yelled

" That is the reason I called sir. Your wife met with an accident and is in a hospital fighting for her life. I think you need to come over sir"

" what?! An accident?! How?!..... Where is the hospital?! " sadiq shouted in shock also getting others attention

" Alba hospital sir"

" I'm on my way " he end the call and stood up from the chair in full speed. Luckily sagir was the one close to him so he drag him back

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