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I'm dedicating this chapter to phariedah_ mbmb007 reeydah_ for being the first to comment from my last three chapters and also to every person that has been commenting😘😘😘❤❤❤💗. I know I haven't been vigilant in this shout-out of a thing but I promise to start from now henceforth💕💕💕. 

I appreciate all comments coz it really means alot to me. Without all your comments I wouldn't have gone far to this extent . Thanks alot everyone. Always remember that zainab_Abdoolloves you all 😘😍❤❤❤💕❤💕❤❤💋❤❤💕❤💕❤💋❤💋💋💋💋

Rahama's pov

I have been up sooner than expected and I blame that on that stupid invitation lying on my desk. Anytime I look at it, I get this feeling that something was about to happen today. This might sound stupid but that is what I get. I think it's best I help aunty yasira prepare for her date with my father, that might help reduce  the unsettling feeling.

I took her well wrapped present from my bed and march to my wardrobe to take the smaller present. That makes my present for her two. Already, I have given dad his own present since early in the morning. It was a simple Rolex wrist watch .

I close the door behind  as I got out of the room. I had to pass four rooms before I finally got to the master bedroom. I didn't need to knock since dad was already out preparing for their date at a restaurant which I have no Idea of. As I barge into the room uninvited, I found aunty yasira trying on a black wedge shoes.

" Don't tell me you're going to wear that thing to the date? " I queried disapprovingly

She rolled her eyes " of course, I will. I don't think I can stand one night wearing six inch heels. I don't wanna break any of my bones please. "

I heaved a sigh and walk close to her. " fine then. At least wear something bright. Aren't you wearing a mint dress? Then why don't you put on a champagne gold wedge, instead of this black one" I suggested

She furrowed her brows " what difference does it makes if I put on a black shoe? After all I'm only doing all this for my husband not people" she emphasis " you are the one who need to be a fashion freak since you're yet to get married. I don't blame you for that " she finished with a slight chuckle

I glared at her " am not a fashion freak, I just tend to be cautious on my way of dressing that is all" I defended

She raised a brow " eh, I know you won't believe me but that is what young girls of now a days do. "

" am not like others. I'm unique on my own" I folded my arms

She giggled softly " are you now angry just because I called you a fashion freak? "

" I'm not "

" OK fine you aren't a fashion freak, is that OK? " she said with playful eyes.

With an eye roll " can we just forget this fashion freak of a thing. Infact I brought your present for you " I said as I brought her attention to the well wrapped gift laying on her bed.

Her eyes sparkles in joy as she caught sight of them. " what's inside? " she asked as she ran to retrieve them.

I chuckled at her " open up and find out your self " I shrugged

" Alright then" she started with the small one. I waited patiently for her to unwrap it .

" OMG" she squealed "Isn't this the new diamond necklace  I saw on the fashion show last week? H_ow how did you get it so fast ?" she was speechless and happy at the same time.

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