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She paused. Wondering who dares to defy her order. She slowly turn around to come face to face with the culprits.

" you? " she pointed at the person

With challenging eyes the person said " yes me"

She blink her eyes to check if this was some kind of joke. " are you for real?What gave you the nerve to be here? "

With folded arms he said " what gave you the assurance that I will answer that question?" he then glance at the lady still on the floor crying.

" Ma'am, please get up and go wash up yourself at the washroom " he calmly said to the lady to which she nodded and try to get up

Rahama hurriedly stand at the woman's front " she goes no where until she finish her punishment "

" and I said, she won't do it " he challenged

" Don't get ahead of yourself Mr mechanic, don't forget that you're in my father's company and I have every right to do as I want with anybody I want "

" oh,I see. Now I get it. You still don't know yet?" he said with a brow raised

Her brows furrowed " know what? "

He smirk " that I am the new manager of this company " he spoke out loud as he stared straight at her eyes. The reaction he wanted to see was perfect. He had expected that she will behave like this at first.

She laugh mockingly " what gave you the audacity that I will believe what you just said? " she chuckled again. She finally sobered up and said " do you think I'm stupid enough to believe whatever trash that comes out of your dirty mouth "

" well then, this will" he said pointing at the ID around his neck.

She move a bit close to him in other to read what was written on the card.

And man, was he right

It was as if a bucket of cold water was poured all over her.

" what?!!..... You?  The manager?. This isn't possible. How?... How can dad do this to me?"  she stuttered, speechless. The ID card around his neck says it all. He was saying the truth.

" Glad that he did this to you" He mocked and then offer her a very large smile.

Upon hearing this new info, some of the employees were already jubilating among themselves and it didn't go unnoticed by Rahama. It was like a disgrace for her. She felt ashamed, broken to be aware of this by jut a mere mechanic. Her dad didn't even think of telling her. How can dad take away my job just like that? How could he do this to me?

As for Sadiq, he was really enjoying the broken look she wore. She deserves it and so much more. He too wasn't expecting this position which was giving to him. He wouldn't lie but he felt a tiny bit of pity for her. According to her dad, he said he wants her to straighten her ways. His ear was already filled up with alot of bad complaints from the employees about her. The best way to punish her was by taking her job away from her, maybe by doing so she might try to correct her ways. So he had thought.

What her father doesn't know is that Rahama's behavior would never change just because her job was taken from her. She needs deep deliverance, if so not , her situation will grow worse and worse, day by day.

Her lips quivered  " he can't do this to me. No he can't " she was finding it hard to believe it. She ran away from the shame to God knows where

Sadiq shrug unaffected . He glance at the rest of the employees " everyone should go back to his or her post. The drama is over"

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