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For someone like Jafar to be up this early, was so surprising to Sadiq. Sadiq has always known him to be a lover of sleep and no one can compete with Jafar in that aspect. 

Sadiq was sat on the bed looking at how his friend ran from one angle to the other in the room . He wonders what could have make his friend wake up this early  and he is damn sure that it isn't because of work. If it was work, he would have waken up around 7 o'clock

but this was different.

When they both got back from fajr prayer , Jafar didn't go back to bed as he always does, instead he use the time to prepare some clothes like someone who was going for an occasion.

" I hope all is well? "asked sadiq

Jafar turn to look at him with a small smile " of course all is well, why do you ask? "

" this new behavior of yours is making me scared. I mean, I have never seen a day you don't go back to bed after fajr prayer. Why is today different? "

The said man, snort " don't be too dramatic man, I have a meeting with someone that's all "

Sadiq wiggling his brows " does this meeting has to do with your boss lady? "

Jafar shot sadiq a look " just because I said I have a meeting with someone doesn't mean it has to do with my boss" he scoff

" then who is this lady?" sadiq smirk

" come on man!, I never mentioned it to be a lady. How did you know? "

" ha!,so I was right after all? It's a lady then. Who is she? " sadiq wiggle his brow

Jafar kept the Shoe he was cleaning one side and turn to reply sadiq " you just won't let me be. Can't I have a meeting with anybody ? Must it always be a lady? "

" just say who she is already"

Jafar blew out a breath " fine, it's Kamila ,my sister "

" what?!!....i thought you said she was out of the country?  How comes she is in Nigeria " a surprise sadiq asked

" well, that was the lies my father wanted me to believe. I thought I told you?"

Sadiq shake his head " no, you didn't "

" oh, I thought I did. Well, I saw her on Monday at a hotel and planned to meet today. " he explained

With furrowed brows Sadiq asked " but what was she doing at a hotel?, isn't she too young for that place?"

" thank you!,my guess also. " jafar sighed exasperatedly " I was also surprised too and do you know the funny part? When our gaze met, she quickly told the guy she came with to zoom off immediately. I couldn't see his face. I had expected her to at least come over to greet me but she didn't. " he look annoyed

" why would she do that?" sadiq wonders

Jafar tap his foot on the floor worried. The more he thought about it the more it makes him angry

" I even called her to ask why she ran off like that and she gave some silly excuse that made me more angry. To think that the sister that I trust so much is now lying to me? I don't like what she has turn herself to and she wasn't like that before " 

Sadiq allowed him to vent his inner feeling. He always knew how Jafar was close to Kamila . This situation made him remember his own sister, badiyya. He miss her so much.

" Stop thinking of the worst jafar, you might be surprised that it isn't how you put it to be. Maybe she was right after all, maybe she escorted her friend as she has said. Always think positively " advice sadiq

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