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" OK, let me brief it for you. I know and I'm sure that you have developed a liking for sadiq, you don't need to pretend "

" WHAT!"


" you don't need to look surprise,Rahama. Don't forget that I'm also a woman too. Don't you think the months you used to mope around feeling sad and not communicating with anyone just few days after sadiq left, don't you think that reaction actually meant something. Moreover I found out from your father about how you reacted the day sadiq left, don't be mad at your dad. I forced it out of him because I couldn't sit and watch how you mope around without me knowing any reason. So, I needed to find out something and I did " aunty yasira sighed

Rahama scoff couldn't believe this " so you and dad have been on my case all this while?. Is that why you constantly call my phone everyday in the office just to check if I was going to kill myself or something! "

" don't get me wrong here, I do not call you all the time just because of that, I call you just because I care. I want to be there for you rahama. I want to be a mother figure to you. I know you've always wished to share your problems with your mother if she was alive and I'm not saying I want to take her place as your mother, I only want you to trust me enough as a big sister to tell me what are the things troubling you. I care rahama, I care so much for you, dear. "

Rahama sobs " you don't understand what I'm feeling, aunty yasira. I myself do not understand it too. Every day when I wake up seeing my misfortune , it always makes me mad, I always end up doing things I never meant or want to do. I was never like that, aunty yasira, I wasn't "

Yasira quickly got up and ran to her side. She pull her in for a warm hug " shhh, you don't need to say anything, dear. I might not know the full detail about what had happened but I want you to know that I'm always here for you "

" thank you so much "

Yasira smiled and went back to her seat. " tell me something? "

" what? " rahama asked after wiping her tears.

" why do you want to marry Mansir,why?"

Rahama chuckles " because I love him? " she answer like it was something simple

" you love him?. Just listen to yourself. You even said it like you aren't even sure of yourself "

" please, I already told you that I love him. What more do you want me to say? "

Yasira calmed herself, she knew it will be so hard to break the shell rahama was keeping " OK, I get it that you love Mansir before , I don't even know if I should even call it love but anyways, you now have feelings for sadiq so I don't get why you want to Marry Mansir"

" Don't get me wrong here aunty yasira. I never said I love sadiq, all that I feel for him is still at an early stage and I'm quite sure that feeling will go away immediately I get married to Mansir"

Yasira shook her head " do you know that you're playing with fire? So this is what it's all about right?. You just want to get married to Mansir just to forget sadiq!. Try to listen to yourself! This is about your future!. Don't you care about your future! "

" Can we just drop this matter. I'm tired of going on and on about this same issue every day. Please" rahama said

" fine, since you don't want to hear the truth, fine. I don't even know what you see in that arrogant Mansir. He is a liar and a cheat"

" just stop it aunty yasira! Please. You don't even know what actually happened "

" fine then. I'm out of here because I'm already getting fed up of trying to make you see reasons" yasira took her bag and left without listening to rahama calls.

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