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" As I've made mentioned weeks ago, the first four best students will be sent to the abdulbasit group of company and their names are.....

He carried on by calling the first and then the second person. Sadiq and Jafar  sat mute ,hoping their names will be among, after all this is what they have been waiting for. Even khalil couldn't stop praying to hear his friend's name. His eyes were  tightly close as the chairman was about to mention the remaining two students.

" and the last two are Jafar Abdul Aziz and Muhammad sadiq . Congratulations to you all. Next, I'll be calling the remaining six......

He went on and on with the list calling . The three friends couldn't contain their joy, they all wore a happy smile. It turns out that khalil came into the academy as a disguise  in other to pick the best  four participants with potentials and luckily he came across sadiq and jafar. He was immensely thrilled by how determined they were and then decided to join this two duo. Of course ,he later told them the reason why he was in the academy and now since his job here is done he was needed over at the company. Thank God for Jafar and sadiq, they will be going with him with an already vacant position waiting for them at the company .




That is the definition of the RINGIM GROUP OF COMPANY as of now.

The company has been facing alot of hardship and almost at the point of getting bankrupt. They have asked for help from other companies but the help wasn't still enough to bring them back to their feet and banks refuses to give them loan as they haven't settled their previous loan.

It all started two years ago. At the time , Mansir was suffering from rahama's rejection.Some fake investors walk into the company claiming they brought a big business proposal that will help widen the success of the company. Mansir couldn't comprehend whether he was under some spell by this people because he couldn't remember when he gave them the account details of the company nor when he signed all the papers presented to him. All the papers infact held his signature and before he could realize what he had done, these 419 people had already withdrawn almost all the company's money.

Since then, Mansir wasn't himself anymore. He couldn't do his job adequately. He is now a depressed man. First , it was rahama's  rejection and next the fraudsters. When this first happened ,alhaji ringim wasn't aware of any of the happenings, it was already too late when he came to know about it . Since then, Alhaji has been looking for ways to bring back the company to how it was before since Mansir couldn't do anything . Alot of workers  had already left  because it was hard to pay their salary.

Alhaji weeps almost everyday anytime he sees what Mansir was also turning himself into. Mansir isn't his usual self anymore, he now drinks, do drugs and does so many ungodly act which a father will never wish for his child to do. Mansir is  now becoming worst to the extent that he now threaten his father.  Even his own mother hajiya Maimuna is scared of him too.

Mansir dragged himself out of bed. He groaned loudly as he realized that he was having serious headaches from all the hangover. He walk into the bathroom and finally came out few minutes later fully showered.

He still makes sure to go to the office even though he isn't needed. His father had told him times without number not to step his foot into the office but he wasn't having any of it, he still makes sure to go.

He put on a grey T-shirt and a black trousers. He still makes sure to look good, wouldn't want all the ladies to run away from him same as rahama did. He spray some perfume and then walk downstairs .

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