"Park Chanyeol answer me!" I shout.

He looks up at me with the same cold face. "Can you leave me alone?"

"How am I supposed to leave you alone when you bought us this apartment to live together! What even are you doing? You still have eight days off!"


"Yes, I'll leave you alone now. If you need me, wait until tomorrow morning" I groan. I leave his office room and collapse on our bed.

I turn my back to the door and curl myself up. What have I done so wrong?

The next morning his side of the bed is empty. Cold. But the bed looks used on his side tho.

I get out of the bed and walk inside the empty living room. The door to his office is open, but no Chanyeol inside.

I groan. I walk back to our bedroom and send him a message. Not even two seconds later I hear something vibrating on his nightstand.


"I should've listened to my parents. He's a grown up while I'm here with a mind of a nine year old. Six years is a big age difference"

I walk to the kitchen and prepare myself breakfast. What have I done so wrong that you leave me alone at our apartment at eight in the morning without your phone while you don't have to work.

Is this bitch dating someone else besides me?

I groan and stop preparing breakfast. I'm Not hungry anymore.

I sigh and sit down on the couch. I call Sehun to invite him over.

"Hi" Sehun mumbles.

"Hi" I smile.

"Why did you decide to invite me to this mess?"

"I'm sorry it's still a big mess but I can't finish it today because Chanyeol isn't home"

"Where's he?"

"I don't know. He has been ignoring me since yesterday evening. He left early this morning without his phone. Neither did he tell me he was leaving" I sigh

"Let's go to a restaurant to eat something. It's half past eleven so a nice time to have lunch"

I nod "give me a second to change into some normal clothes" I jump off the couch and put on normal clothes instead of a sweatpants without any underwear.

"why are you here?"

"Baekhyun invited me"


"Because you left him alone this morning"

"I need to talk to him for a moment, where's he?"

"You could've done that this morning. We're leaving after he's done"

They clearly don't like each other.. why? Wait- so that's the reason Chanyeol usually changes the topic when it's about Sehun! He doesn't like him and that's also the reason Sehun doesn't want to visit me at my new apartment!

I sit down on my bed and look at the door. How am I supposed to leave when they're arguing about who can take me?

"I need to go to the toilet"

"You don't. You're just going to see him so I'll be left alone"

"I need to fucking pee!"

"No you just want to see Baekhyun"

I hide myself behind the bed when the bedroom
Door burst open. Chanyeol enters the bathroom. "See? Just going to the goddamn toilet!"

He locks himself inside.

I climb over the bed to Sehun. "Let's go" I whisper. Sehun nods and follows me outside.

"Don't you feel kinda bad for him?" Sehun asks

"He left me alone without telling me he was going. Why am I supposed to tell him then?"

"You have a point there" he says "anyways, we can go to the mall and go shopping there if you want?"

I nod. We get inside my car and I drive us to the mall.

"I wanna go to the clothing stores first. I need some
New clothes"

I nod and park my car.

After three hours Sehun and I walk out of the pet store. He needed to buy some food for Vivi.

ChanBAE(k): baby where are you.

Me: mall

ChanBAE(k): fuck.. hide yourself somewhere.

Me: ? Tf u doing?

ChanBAE(k): I'm serious. Hide urself rn! Maybe in a fitting room.

Me: wtf? Tell me why I have to fkn hide myself in a fitting room first!

ChanBAE(k): I can't, just hide.

"Sehun lets go to the Gucci store" I mumble.

"I don't have the money for that"

"Let's just have a look okay?"

"I don't want to wait in the long line.."

"I don't have to. I'm their regular customer and model" I smile. I pull him towards the Gucci store. I hand the guard my passport and he lets me in "he's my best friend. Pls, can he go with me?"

"Fine" the guard sighs.

I pull Sehun with me inside and act like I'm going to buy something. I walk to the fitting room and hide myself in there, together with Sehun.

"So, what exactly are we doing here?"

"I don't know. Chanyeol told me to hide"

Sehun sighs. "He wanted to talk to you this morning"

"I know. I heard your whole conversation. I know you don't like him" I murmur.

"I'm sorry Baek"

Unknown POV.

"We have been betrayed" I groan.

"What? By who?!" Mina murmurs.

"Taeyong. My very own son told his teacher, aka Baekhyun's boyfriend about us. We need to handle this quick before someone finds us" I say.

Mina nods. "I tracked his location. He's inside the Gucci store"

"Okay, Minho, Onew, get him. Mina will tell you if anyone is coming".

The three nod and leave the car.

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