Entry #49: Timberwolf

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 Night has fallen on the land of Talyyn, leaving a darkness only disturbed by the glow of the moon. It is full tonight; an enormous round orb floating in the sky, giving off gentle light like a beacon. The moon is only this bright on the winter solstice, the longest night of the year and the first official day of winter. It is this day when the spirits of the frost and snow emerge, giving us the large amounts of snow that pile up to heights taller than me. The more devout church followers say that the moon’s bright glow is Fennarie trying to light to world after a lengthy period of darkness.

 The soft light shines on the world below, giving me a chance to see in the darkness. I stand far from Crimson Hold, or any form of civilization. The minuscule outline of a city or fortress in the distance is the only thing to be seen for miles. I can only tell it is there by the tiny yellow dots of the city lights. The rest is flat plains covered in tall grasses that almost reach my knees. I hear them rustle despite the lack of wind. This could only mean that something is moving through them, and quickly too.

 It is then I realize that this land is not safe. Whatever is moving through the grasses must be running to escape something. There is a foul scent in the air akin to that of rotten eggs and fetid water polluted with smelly garbage. It is strong enough that it makes me feel queasy. There is a fog in the air with a distinct yellow-green color, which can only mean that this is the human’s nullifying poison gas. They must have released more into the atmosphere as a precaution.

 As I am staring up at the sky, watching the toxic fog swirl about, something breezes past me. My heart leaps as it startles me. I hear gasping; the heavy cadence of labored breaths attributed to exhaustion from running. I expect it to be Kaiya, and indeed it is. Her shadowy form bends over, placing her hands on her knees as she sucks in air and gathers her bearings. Why is she running? Although I suppose the better question is: what is she running from?

 She is in no fit state to be out and about like this, fleeing some unknown terror; in the dark of night no less. It will upset her wound, not to mention her body must be incredibly feeble from blood loss. How does she have the strength to even walk? With this toxin in the air, she cannot transform. Her only form of reliable defense is gone. Her eyes are full of fear. Never before have I seen such raw terror in them.

 The grass rustles again, this time very rapidly as though multiple beings are moving through them. Kaiya’s head pops straight up, looking this way and that while sniffing the air. As if to prepare herself for what is to come, she sucks in a deep breath and takes off once more. Her gait is unbalanced and wobbly, as though the smallest burst of wind could knock her down. One hand is pressed against her side, against the deep wound.

Moments after she departs, several men rush past me as well. They are all too familiar, with their thick leather armor, well-muscled statures, gruff faces and large war-axes clasped in their iron grips. Esterguard elites, strange humans with uncanny strength. I feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and my heart begins to race with the feeling of desperation that overwhelms me. There is no way Kaiya can outrun them with how weak she is. Kain better get here soon!

 My feet propel me forward, as I am unable to fight the urge to follow. I sprint beside the hunters, eying their determined expressions that call for blood. If these murderous…monsters are really what humans are, am I truly one of them? I do not wish to be of a race that is without mercy and harms those who are not like them.

 Kaiya looks back now and again, each time her expression more panicked than the last. They are gaining on her, despite the fact that she is smaller than them and knows the land better. Her breathing gets faster and louder, a sign that she is on the verge of collapsing. A hunter shouts a fearsome battle-cry, brandishing his axe. The rest of his company seems empowered by it, grinning evilly. 

 “Push further. Flank her on either side when I give the signal. We hold the advantage,” a deep, dark voice commands. I look to my left to see a man unlike the rest of the hunters. How did I not see him before? He appears more nimble, darting this way and that as a proper ranger would. A longbow is gripped in his hands with a full quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Dark hair falls in his face, hovering over his eyes.

 When they reach a part of the plain where the grass is far shorter, he throws something in Kaiya’s direction. It glints in the moonlight; something sharp and metallic. A small throwing star perhaps? I wince when it connects with the lupine’s right leg. I hear a short, startled scream come from her as she stumbles. Somehow, by some miracle, she does not fall but it made her stop to balance herself. It was enough for the hunter group to surround her on all sides.

 She stumbles around, trying to find an escape route. The hunters give her no opening, having her completely closed in. I half expect her to explode in a fit of rage and lash out at them. To my disappointment, her stiff expression melts into one of extreme sorrow. Tears burst from her amber eyes, spilling down her cheeks. Her legs shake a bit before her knees buckle and she falls to the ground.

 She lands on her knees, hitting the soil with a thud. They remain at a stalemate for a while, axes poised for attack but moving nowhere.  Kaiya stares down at the ground, taking gasping breaths. She is completely at their mercy! Something inside me is screaming at her to run or attack, but she does not move.

 “Lower your weapons,” the hunter with the longbow says, pushing through his allies into the circle’s center. They obey and watch as he readies an arrow on his bow. He pulls the string taught and aims it straight at the lupine. I notice the arrow is slick with poison.

 Kaiya slowly raises her head to stare at him, her sorrowful eyes boring deep into his. Their gazes stay locked for the longest time. Neither person moves or speaks for lengthy, agonizing moments. Finally, Kaiya manages to say, “What are you waitin’ for? Aren’t you going to kill me?”

 “This could be a trap. No demon has ever allowed me to end it,” the hunter replies bluntly.

 “This ain’t a trap. Just do it. Shoot. I...it’s for the best if I die. There’s no place for me. I’m not wanted anywhere. Maybe I can join mom an’ dad, wherever they are. I’m the only one left. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To get rid of all us lupines. Well here’s your chance. So, what are you waitin’ for? Shoot.” Her voice is hoarse from her crying. Does she truly wish to die? I…I can scarcely believe it.

 Everything seems to happen in slow motion. The hunter slides his fingers away from the bowstring, allowing it to loosen. But just as he releases the arrow, blood spurts from his chest as a force slams into him. His body crumples to the ground, dead. The same force also kills the other hunters. They fall  one by one with broken necks and slit throats.

 Any hope I had, however, vanishes. The arrow, though interrupted by the attack, manages to fly towards its intended target. Kaiya’s eyes widen as it flies at her and buries itself deep in her shoulder. Though it missed her heart, it was poisoned. There is no doubt in my mind that it was placed there to ensure its victim dies. Her body falls backwards as any energy she had dissipates. She doesn’t hit the ground, though. A pair of arms catches her. 

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