Entry #46: Cerulean Frost

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The first thing that strikes me is the sharp cold that seeps into my skin and sends shivers through my body. I hug my cloak closer to me for warmth, pressing the fur lining as far as possible. By the spirits, it is freezing out here! The fact that the sun has almost vanished means it will not be getting any warmer.

When I look around, I notice that I am standing amongst a large number of demons on a wide open plain. I have never seen so many in one place before. Felines, avians, reptilians, they’re all here. They are all clad in leather armor and are fully armed with whatever weapons they chose to wield. Some have maces in their tight grip, others have broadswords, and others have nothing but the claws on their fingers. They are on edge, whispering amongst each other quietly. Most have huddled together for warmth, making this group rather close knit.

I get the feeling that these are warriors not ready for battle. After not seeing war for many years since the end of the Crimson War, most have probably continued with their lives, relaxing in the confines of Talyyn’s border. This new, smaller battle must be a wakeup call for them to how strong the tensions between countries have been. They must be upset about having to be here, standing in the freezing cold ready to defend their country from humans that have broken the treaty of peace.

I weave through the gathering of demons, listening to their incessant chatter about politics and their unwillingness to go to war. There are even some grim thoughts of how they wish humans were gone and they will gladly rip apart as many as they can. I feel uneasy with such thoughts, though I know those who wage battle deserve to be torn up for committing such a terrible act. What possessed them to march into Talyyn and attack? I would like to know.

While I wander, I notice Iza standing amongst the crowd, alone. None have chosen to huddle beside her, leaving her in a small clearing of her own. They are afraid of her. Her stance is rigid, as if someone could come and try to knock her over but she would not budge. She is clad in similar leather armor with a small cloak that covers the upper half of her body. Not that she really needs it, as the cold does not seem to be affecting her. A sword is belted to her waist with one hand resting on the hilt, prepared for battle. Her green eyes are filled with concentration and anger. She is ready to take on the human threat.

Because she is standing alone, I begin to wonder where Kain is. Is he the sort of leader who joins his people in combat? Or does he merely stand aside, pulling the reins? I don’t expect him to participate, knowing his current physical condition. Entering battle weak and sickly could only put one at a disadvantage. As I walk amongst the crowd I am surprised to see him standing near the front. He is wearing thick clothing and blends in with his people by wearing similar armor. Despite his layers, he looks rather cold. He shifts around every now and then in an effort to warm up, breathing warm air into his hands. He appears unarmed, but he must have a few tricks up his sleeve.

Kaiya stands nearby, in her towering wolf form. Her fur is so thick and fluffy so it must keep her very warm. Her eyes are filled with excitement as she waits, ready for the thrill of the fight. I am amazed at how she is sitting on the ground. I expected her to be on her feet, unable to stand still. I notice Fuchsia and Kren resting against her side, huddling against her fur. She must be attempting to help her friends stay warm. She glances at Kain every now and then, shivering some ways away from her. A longing look shows on her face for a moment before she continues watching the field.

There are shapes in the distance; shadowy forms that line the horizon. Their coming feels ominous, like dark storm clouds rolling in on a sunny day. As they draw nearer, the demons get more on edge. Growls rumble in the air, the sound of blades being drawn fills my ears, and the tension makes my heart beat faster and faster. They come closer and closer until I can see the shimmer of their steel in the light of their lanterns and the outlines of their stern faces. Their number isn’t too great, evenly matching that of the demons for the most part. The combined force of Esterguard and the church is not much in these times.

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