Entry #27: Desert Sand

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Time seems to have passed in this memory; several months I would say. Before, the farms had tall, healthy plants. But now, the farmers have harvested all of their crops, leaving behind barren fields. The air seems a bit chillier, with that certain sharpness to it that makes it uncomfortable. Snow is falling steadily and the ground is already covered in the white substance. I notice some peasants wandering about wearing heavy clothes and wool hats. The warm days have been pushed aside by the chills of winter.

As I meander into Nocturne Hollow, I stare up at the trees. They’ve gotten thicker, their branches blotting out the sun. A majority of the trees here are large, bristly pine trees. The monstrous oak trees still manage to block light even without their leaves. Their branches have just grown to that enormous a size. They say demonic energies are what make the trees grow unnaturally large, but I doubt that’s the true reason. The Prologus most likely know the truth, but they don’t like to share their research. So, for us humans and demons, it will remain a mystery.

I wonder who or what would still bother living here. The chances of survival are slim. Trying to remain here would be a death sentence. This place has become nothing but a desolate land dominated by monster trees and large mounds of snow. If Kaiya is still here, she must be dead or dying.

I pass by her parent’s graves, barely visible underneath the fresh snow. It is untouched, without footprints, so Kaiya hasn’t been here recently. Knowing how attached she was to her mother, she must come here often. The weather must have prevented it. I walk through the trees to her home. I can easily find it now, as I’ve seen it several times now.

There is the cave, looking the same as usual. Well, except for the warm fire. In fact, there is no fire going, and I can’t make out any logs for it. I didn’t see much tinder anyway, as the brambles have all decayed to nothing and the trees have stopped shedding sticks and bark. Maybe the trees are powered by demonic auras…who knows?

The interior is dark, but not dark enough. Someone is huddled within the dwelling, shivering. I can tell it is Kaiya. I can make out her short hair and pointed ears. When she opens her eyes, they glow with that distinct amber color. It’s a bit frightening when I look in her eyes. They are…empty. Completely void of emotion. The spirit that once burned in those eyes is gone, leaving behind two empty husks. Maybe her sorrow has gotten the best of her, leaving her cold and broken.

A hide blanket is wrapped around her shoulders in an attempt to stay warm, along with her thick long sleeved dress. Though her apparel is thick, it is clear that she is horribly malnourished. She still has some muscle, but I can see her bones through her skin. Her face is sunken from lack of food and sleep. Her youthful appearance is still there, but it’s as if I’m staring at someone’s corpse, rather than a living person.

Poor girl… If she stays like this, she’ll be dead before winter ends. But how can she leave? She looks too weak to hunt or sneak around, let alone carry herself to some where safe. Not only is she alone, but she is hopeless and dying. Her refusal to leave her mother’s resting place will be the death of her.

After a moment passes, I hear footsteps getting closer and closer. Now who on earth could that be? Kaiya’s ears perk up as she notices the new sound. Her empty eyes stare out into the clearing, as if she has resigned herself to whatever fate may choose for her.

The person is wearing a black cloak with the hood up so it covers their face. The cloth reaches all the way to the ground. All I can see of their clothing is a pair of black boots made for traveling. This stranger comes and stands before Kaiya’s cave, looking into the shadows.

The lupine doesn’t flee or show any sign of fear. She remains in the same position, staring blankly at the person. He kneels down and stares into the cave, searching for any sign of life. When he sees the lupine, he says, “Kaiya?”

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