Break my heart

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"Its...... it's what?"

The words that slowly left Minhos mouth sounded broken . He sounded broken.

Jisung reached out frantically and held the glossy eyed boys hand. "Baby, I haven't accepted it yet, I told him I needed to talk to you about it first. The thing is though, it's nothing for my parents to move around from country to country on a weekly basis so when they get involved, they won't see any reason for me to say no and.... I might not get a choice."

Minho gulped. Who was he to get in the way of business? It had always been Jisungs life plan to join his parents in their company and its not like he was being forced, it was his own dream. Minho had no right to hold him back from that.

"Sung, this is your shot to extend your parents lives work even more globally than it already is. You can't possibly be considering missing out on that for me."

The younger boy cupped Minhos face in both his hands. "Minho I'd do anything for you. You know that."

The brown haired boy softly removed Jisungs hands from his face. He looked at the boy in front of him. The boy he loved so much.

"What about school? You're going into senior year next year."

The shorter chuckled dryly. "Minho, my grades would of allowed me to leave school 3 years ago."

On the inside, Minho was feeling a world of emotions. He wanted to make the boy stay. He wanted to cry and make him feel guilty about something that he shouldn't feel guilty for. But he knew better than that. He knew not to be selfish.

"Take the job Jisung. Please."

Jisung once again looked conflicted. Almost as if his brain was coming up with every solution possible to make this work.

"W-what if you come with me?" The blonde asked desperately, causing Minho to shake his head softly.

"I have to graduate. I haven't even started my final exams yet. How am I supposed to make it into your world class company without a high school degree?"

Jisung was pleading for something at this point, anything that could allow him to be in 2 places at once.

"I can fly back and forth. I'll come home every weekend and we-" Jisung fell when Minho began speaking.

"Jisung stop. You can't just go through an 11 hour flight twice a week just because of me."

Jisung shook his head. "No really Minho! It's okay, If I fly on a Friday night then-"

"Jisung. Please. You're about to start a new job. No boss wants their employee in a different part of the world ever week, especially when you're just starting up. I won't allow for it anyway, you'll be exhausted."

Tears began to softly drizzle down the youngers cheeks. "What happens to us then?"

Minho was smiling on the outside, putting up his best front when all he wanted was to sob.

"I finish school and you go and pursue the dream you've had since you were little." He hated that his voice cracked when he spoke that sentence, he was really trying his best to be strong for Jisung. He didn't want to let him know how much this would hurt him.

"I don't understand Minho, are you saying that we should break up?" The words came out as barely a whisper.

"I'm saying I love you. And I know you love me too, more than anything, but sometimes things don't go how we want them to."

Jisung looked at him in complete disbelief. Was Minho trying to end their relationship?

"Don't even think about using that 'if you love them, let them go bullshit' with me Minho. Thats not how things work. I already lost you once and It almost killed me, quite literally. I can't go through that again.I don't want to go through that again."

Jisung really didn't know what was happening. Is this really where things were going to end for them? Had they already broken up and he was just too in denial to accept what Minho was clearly trying to do? The eldest of the two just placed a soft but meaningful kiss on Jisungs lips.

"I'm going to go home now and grab some things, and then I'll come back and spend every breathing second with you until you leave. I'll help you pack and I'll drive you to the airport and I'll stand at your gate with you until I see the plane take off." By this point, it was becoming harder for Minho to conceal his emotions, but he somehow managed to hold them until he could be somewhere alone.

"Everything will be okay sweets. You've got this, and I'm so so proud of you for getting such an opportunity. I'll be fine. I've got Felix and Changbin and hyunjin and Seungmin and Chan and woojin and Jeongin. Now I'm going to wizz home super quick to get some clothes, and then you have my undying attention until you're in the sky, okay?"

Minho had spoken in a very convincing tone. His expression hid his true emotions well and eventually Jisung nodded softly and let out a small sniffle, still lost and distressed about the whole conversation. Minho placed a kiss on his head and squeezed his hand before exciting the room and hopping into his car.

Almost the second he shut his car door, the boy burst into tears. He sobbed so painfully that his head began to throb. He hit the steering wheel aggressively over and over almost as if it would cause some kind of change in the situation, but nothing happened. He knew nothing was going to happen.

He didn't know how he felt. He couldn't tell if he was sad about jisung leaving, scared that he would lose the younger or worried for the pain he might experience if something happened and jisung realised he was better off without him.

Either way, he knew it hurt. It hurt so bad. But what he didn't know, is that before he eventually drove off to his house, Jisung had witnessed the whole breakdown through his bedroom window, and quite frankly, he felt his own heart break at the sight aswell.

Ah ha ha ha
Am I gonna make Minsung break up and then end the book?
That's a secret I'll never tell,
You know you love me,
xoxo gossip girl

Fr though y'all want a happy ending or a sad ending 👀

Love chu all <3

Also thanks so much for all the support on the chapter about the fires. We had some rain today! It lasted 10 minutes but it was the most we've had in months. All the love and prayers you are sending are working! xx

Ry x

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