"You could've said you were in the lobby"

"People believe you when you lie. When I say it's silent like this in the lobby they'll ask what I'm hiding"

"Still wondering why everyone believes me"

"Yeah me too. Hey come here I wanna cuddle" he reaches his arm his out to me.

"From the outside you don't look like the type who likes to cuddle" I chuckle.

"My tattoos say exa-"

"The opposite of you" I lay down in his arms "damn you're warm". "Explain your tattoos".

"They alI have one meaning and I already told you that, back when you slept at my apartment"

"I forgot. Tell me again"

"I got them to cover up the 'daddy' tattoos"

"Ah yes. But why did you decide to get a neck tattoo?"

"I don't know but I'm sure that's the first one I'll get rid of. I hate it so much"

"Hey, we really look like a couple like this" I murmur into his big sweater.

"Yeah we do"

"Why aren't we.. actually?"

"Because we're teacher and student.. aaand because I wanted a distance between us"

"Why are you acting like this sweet guy now and wanted a distance between us earlier?"

"Because I felt scared. I don't wanna lose my job. I worked very hard to get here and didn't want to ruin it because of a student, but now.. I realized I like you" he strokes my hair.

"I like you too".

"We should really keep this a secret. If someone finds out I'm going to jail" he says.

"I know. I won't let that happen. If someone finds out, Oh let's say that I asked you to teach me some extra English because I'm so bad at it!"

"That's possible"

"Yay, but they shouldn't walk in on us right now but I know they won't. And only Sehun could because he has the key and he never tells anyone a secret except my other two friends but they are the best at keeping secrets. So.."

"Don't tell them. They can be disgusted by it. You know.. there's also a big age gap between us"

"Yes that's true. And we're two guys. That's also not very appreciated here in our country".

"See? Don't you dare to tell them" I nod.

I lay my head down on his chest and enjoy the feeling of his big soft fingers combing my hair back. I wrap my leg around him and touch place my hand on his chest.

"Yah! Baek wake up!" Sehun hits me with a pillow.

I groan and look up at the noodle in front of me.

"You had a nice sleep?"

"I did" I smile at him.

"Go shower. By the way, I bought you some food because all of us ate in a restaurant near the forbidden city" he says.

"I love you Hunnie"

"And I love Lulu"

"I know" I get off the bed and take off my clothes. I look in the mirror. "I look like I fucking had sex" I mumble. I didn't. We didn't. I slept. On his chest. While he was combing my hair. I had the nicest dream ever.

I smile and get in the shower.

When I'm done I lay down on the bed next to Sehun.

"I'm really not looking forward to our exams" he groans.

"Why that all of a sudden?"

"Because.. I'll be an adult. Shit. I'm turning seventeen soon too"

"Yah shut up. I'm turning eighteen soon"

" hag"

"Yah! Respect your hyung would you"

"Aaaaaaa shut uppp!" He whines.

"You gonna look like Jongdae if you keep on whining"

"Yeah right"

"Kid" I mumble.

"I'm sixteen! Don't call me a kid!"

"Sixteen damn. What an age. I'm seventeen"

"Seventeen damn. What an age" he says in his annoying kid's voice.

"Ah god. Please go to sleep" I push his head away from me and get underneath the blanket.

"GUYS!" Jongin shouts from outside our room.

"What?" I shout back.


(Wtf I'm rlly loving fires i guess😂🤚🏿 (ppl who read my other book know lol))

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