I didn't understand what they meant by 'Welcome Back' but from knowledge Harry nor I have ever been here before. Did it have to do with Harry's parents? I remember Hagrid saying something that they were very famous within this Wizarding in world.

Than, a oddly dress woman walks up to Harry and just like the man before she starts shaking his hand.

"Doris Crockford. I can't believe a meeting you at last Mr. Potter" Hagrid begins to push Harry and I forward until another man nervously steps up from the bar to speak with Harry.

"H-Harry P-otter! I c-can't tell you how pleased I am to finally meet y-you" The man with a purple turban stutters. "Ah, hello professor! I didn't see you there" Hagrid greets the man and his normal cheery attitude.

"Harry, Melody, this is Professor Quirrel, he'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts" Harry tried green himself to the man with the outs just arm but the man ignored his hand.

"F-Fearfully fascinating subject" he stutters at a Harry will give me a sideways glance. "Not that you are P-Potter" Quirrel laughs nervously. Hagrid seemingly noticing the tension he quickly says goodbye to the man and leds us to the back of the pub to an outside area.

"See Harry your famous!" Hag says to Harry while pulling out his pink umbrella tapping on the brick wall.

"But why am I famous Hagrid?" Harry tries to ask.

"I don't think I'm the right person to tell you that," Hagrid states a little matter of factly. The bricks that Hagrid was tapping on earlier start to slowly open up through the middle creating a doorway.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley" Hagrid says proudly to the both of us. Both Harry and I stare at the site before us.

We all began to walk forward, while Harry and I still gripped onto each other not fathoming what was in front of us. This place is absolutely magnificent. Shops lined both sides of the alley and people in funny looking clothing were walking down the alley buying things from the shops.

Walking past the few shops Hagrid would make comments about these were some of the shops where we were going to have to buy our supplies from. Harry would not take his eyes off a broom called the 'Nimbus 2000' and I wouldn't take my eyes off the animals, especially the bats.

My favorite animal was a bat.

While I still had my attention on the bats Harry asked Hagrid how would we be able to buy anything. Hagrid told him that before we would be able to buy anything we needed to go to the bank first.

Gringotts Wizarding bank.


I wait for Harry and Hagrid to exit the bank as I wasn't allowed to go in with them. It was Harry's family's private vault and I was not permitted to in. The only reason Hagrid was was because he had a letter from Hogwarts.

Hagrid had told me to stay in the front, but after waiting there for a few minutes, I started to get anxious and began walking back and forth around the building. After my third or fourth lap I heard something fall from the back of the building. Going behind th building into another alleyway, I see a young girl sprawled over on the floor.

I immediately ran my way up to her and offered my hand.

"Here you go," She lightly grabs my hand as I pulled her up. She was very beautiful with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes. Just as I was about to ask her if she was all right she interrupted me.

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