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I never ever wanted to go back home. I had been at Luke's for over a week and I hadn't had as much as a phone call. All I had showing that someone cared that I wasn't around was Kaela texting me when she went to come and pick me up or a cinema date and I wasn't there. 

"Luke?" I asked. 

"Yes gorgeous," he mumbled from across the room. I was getting ready to go home finally. It was a Sunday and I needed to go home. I'm pretty sure that no one would even notice but I had coursework to do and I still needed to do that assignment with Rob. I'd have to see tomorrow what it was about. I hated even thinking about meeting up with that dick head but I knew it was necessary.

"I'm going home," I told him as I slipped a t-shirt over my head, this one actually belonging to me.

"What?!" He shot up from his position and sat up looking at me. I knew how he felt. I was shocked that I was even thinking about it but I needed to.

"I need to!" I said. I began walking over to him and took his hands in mine. "I've been here for over a week now and I'm not bored of you or anything like that at all, but I do have coursework and so do you and I know we've done it together but I need to go home. Plus I have like no clothes here, " I said. His gaze softened on me but I could still tell he didn't like my idea.

"You'll be back right?" he asked tentatively.

"No I'm going to stay away forever. Of course I am you dick," I said, squeezing his hand and pecking his lips. The touch was soft but I still loved it. I thought about it and my mind went fuzzy at the thought of not having Luke to hold when my chest suddenly dropped or I began to hear voices.

"Good," he said smugly before pushing his lips to mine firmer than previously.

"Well... I better get go-" before I could finish Luke had dragged me on too of him and he was slowly biting my bottom lip. I moaned into him and arched my back as his hands trailed down my spine before settling in my back pockets. He pulled on my bottom lip more, knowing it drove me crazy and continued to trace patterns on me with his fingers.

"Don't go," he breathed out, only pulling back slightly.

"I have to! Now stop or I won't have the strength to get up and go," I whined.

"That's kind of the goal here," he smirked. I shook my head and let my yes slowly roll at his comment. I didn't want to leave at all, I loved just sitting with him, his hand in mine or me sitting in his lap, just touching him. It just made me calm.

"Luke..." I said dragging it out as he began to trace circles on my thighs.

"What?" he asked me. His face completely innocent compared to his hands.

It took all my will power to pull myself off of him and all of my actual power to pull away from his grip before I fixed my hair and grabbed my bags, so he couldn't stop me.

"I'm going!" I sternly stated before turning around and waving at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow and we'll start where we left off," he winked and yet again my eyes did a full rotation.

"No we won't," I argued before blowing him a kiss from my slightly redder than normal lips.

I almost heard him try to fight back but I shut the door firmly before he could and jogged down the stairs.

"Liz I'm going home! Thank you so much for putting up with me!" I shouted at nowhere in particular, hoping she was home and near enough to hear my annoying voice.

As I shut the door I thought I heard Liz shout bye but I left before I could determine whether it was her or not.

When I stepped into my car I phoned Kaela and let her know I was coming home.

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