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"You're so cliche it makes me cringe." Luke had carried on surprising me with what was in the picnic and then afterwards we just sat there, my head against his chest and watching the city breathe beneath us. Up here nothing mattered, all our problems and the difficulties of school and people and just everything were gone.

"Yeah but you like it," he teased. I scoffed slightly but he was right. I did like it, I was loving this. Luke was probably one of the most comfy people ever, I loved how we could just sit there and not find it awkward. We had pointless, small conversations before there was a comfortable silence, then another conversation. It was perfect.

"So Hemmings what are you going to do now?" I asked him, pushing myself up off of his chest and looking straight at him.

"I don't know... I didn't think that far ahead. What do you want to do?" he questioned. I groaned.

"We are not becoming one of those couples Lucas." I folded my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes at him as he looked at me, clueless.

"What couples, Hollie Louise?" he questioned. I sighed at the use of my middle name but carried on, it didn't sound as bad as it usually did when it came from Luke.

"Those couples that just go round in circles and never get anything done because they're always asking each other what to do. You know like those 'no you hang up' 'no you hang up' things? We're not doing it. I refuse. So make up your mind now or I will leave." He looked at me for a moment before he finally understood what I was making a connection to. He laughed slightly.

"No you chose what we do," he mocked, putting on a girly, high-pitched voice. I turned around and began walking away , back to the main car park bit. "You can't leave! You don't know how to get home from here!" he called after me. I wanted to scoff but then I remembered Luke didn't yet know that I spent a week travelling up here every day.

"Yes I do, you take a left, follow the road, take a right, follow that road to the end, then second exit on the round-a-bout before going down that road for about five minutes, you then hit our little suburb and bang, home." I recited the way without hesitation. He looked at me even more confused than he had been earlier.

"How the hell do you know that?" he questioned me, his eyebrows knitted together in shock and utter confusion.

"I have a photograhic memory?" I literally face-palmed at my stupidity, I don't know why but I felt the need to lie about how I knew. I didn't want to confess everything about what had happened in the week i had off. I trusted Luke more than anyone, even Kaela but this was a secret, this was my secret, my getaway.

"Don't you dare lie to me Hollie Louise." He wasn't angry but annoyed that I had just so obviously lied to him to cover it up.

"I-I-" I tried to tell him but it wouldn't come out. There was something inside me telling me I couldn't.

"Do you not trust me?" he asked. The hurt in his voice becoming even more obvious when it cracked.

"That's not it Luke, you know it isn't please. I just I don't know." I wasn't lying I didn't know why I couldn't tell him. I felt like to me it was the ring and I was Gollum.

"Then tell me," he pleaded. I sighed.

"You know that week where I didn't talk to anyone?" I asked him. He nodded eagerly.

"Ashton and I practically didn't sleep, or eat for the whole week," I heard him mutter. I wasn't sure if he had said 'and I' but that's what I thought I heard. I didn't press into it though and shook it off.

"Well on the first day I went for a drive, and I just kind of ended up here, I practically spent the whole week up here and on the last day it got really bad, like really, so I called up Ashton." I saw him visibly tense. "This was before anything had happened with you and I still pretty much hated you for everything." He nodded but didn't relax at all. "And well yeah we had an argument thing I guess but that's how I know this place. That's why when we got here I was really tense. Because I have literally slept on that rock right there mid-panic attack. But you took me past that, I didn't know that bench or anything was there, I just thought this place was an abandoned car park that held some shitty memories for me, but it's more than that now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I felt like this was my little hideaway, somewhere I could come and no-one would ever find me, and now it's ruined."

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