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I cringed at how awkward things had become. I hadn't ever been really good at starting deep conversations, or conversations at all to be honest and the social retard to my right obviously wasn't either.

We both went through the lesson without saying much more than hi to each other. I got up to go and spend my free period now with Kaela but as I walked out he grabbed my arm and spun me round, something, I realized, he did a lot.

"Look Hollie, I'm sorry, I truly am, and I hate this. I hate that you don't like me anymore because I thought you were finally warming up to me and I liked it, I really liked it. I just, I don't know, I fuck everything up and it seems like I've done it again. Just... can I explain?" he rambled. I had to stop myself from smiling at him as he couldn't stop himself, he was nervous and I found that cute, though I would never admit it.

"You've got a minute," I said coldly. I wasn't letting him win me over that easy. He had left me when I needed him.

"Oh-uh okay um this is gonna sound so bad and I know you probably won't believe me but-"

"45 seconds," I interrupted. He gulped, nodded then carried on.

"I swear this is the truth okay? So my mum phoned me in the morning while you were still sleeping and asked me where I was. I didn't want to lie to her so I told her, then she told me to come home and help my brother out with getting the groceries for the house. I didn't want to get in trouble and never be able to come over to yours again, so I agreed. I untangled myself from you and promised myself I'd phone you as soon as I finished. But when we were at the shops my phone ran out of battery because I was texting the boys all night and in the morning so I couldn't message you. Calum told me he was going with Kaela to yours so I decided that was the perfect time to tell you myself and apologise because I know that you weren't happy and felt bad and stuff and I felt so so so bad leaving you but I didn't think you'd care but then when I saw your face, I realised that you kinda did care and that hurt even more because I knew I had upset you, and that's the last thing I ever ever want to do because I really like you, like I don't know why but I just feel like I need to get to know you and help you and just be there and I want to be, more than anything, and I hate that this might have taken us back to the start again, where you hate me but I'm never gonna give up Hollie I'm sticking around, I just hope that you forgive me because that would make this a whole lot easier." I heard him finally out a long breath that he had been holding and I stood there in shock. He did care. "Hollie?" he asked. I looked up at him and smiled.

"That was more than a minute," I replied with a slight sarcastic tone, but I don't think he picked up on it.

"I'm really sorry, can we please go back to... Whatever we were? I really liked that," he said, playing with his hand and shuffling around the desks.

"I really liked that too," I admitted. He looked up at me in shock, with a wide mouth smile on his face.

"Really? Does that mean we can?" he quizzed. I laughed and pushed him slightly before pulling him into me in a big hug.

"Definitely." I could feel him smiling as he placed his chin on my head and engulfed me into a massive hug, warming up every inch of my body. "But if you decide to leave me in the morning again then it'll be a different decision," I chuckled. I felt him shake slightly underneath me.

"I wouldn't even dream of it," he replied with a wide smile. I pulled away and looked at him. He truly was beautiful. "Take a picture it'll last longer," he laughed. I felt heat rise to my face as he caught me in the act and I could help but awkwardly laugh.

"I think I might just do that you know Hemmings," I joked, trying to brush off my embarrassment. "But before I do I think we better get out of this room before the teacher comes back, we'll be shot dead if we're found interrupting his class." He agreed with me and we both walked out of the room hand in hand. It was a simple gesture but it meant so much to me, it reminded me that he did care, and that I had been worried about nothing.

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