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The rest of the week went quick and easy. Kaela and I did nothing but mess around and just have fun. She was trying hard to get my mind off of everything and I knew she was trying as hard as she could not to ask 100 questions but she was doing good. I was going to answer them soon, I wasn't a complete bitch that kept things from my best friend, but I just wanted to spend some time with Kaela before I told her, I wanted to have fun before Monday came. And all too soon it was Monday.

The usual crowd were outside in the parking lot, I drove past them watching the boys watch me pull up. I got out and flipped them off, smiling sarcastically to make them turn away and realize they'd been caught. Kaela pulled up next to me a few moments later and I looked her up and down. She wasn't dressed in her usual girly stuff. Usually it was dresses or shorts and floral tops but today she had decided to go grungy. She had a faded Nirvana top on which was probably mine, then some ripped shorts and black converse. She looked good. Very good. Her hair was tied back and her makeup was different.

"What's up with you today rock princess?" I asked chuckling.

"What?" She said looking down at her outfit and turning her heels in circles. "Do you not like it?" Her eyes were on her tucked in top. She looked... Grown up, like I had finally got to her and she understood why I dressed the way I did.

"Is that my top?" I asked pointing at the familiar top with the same faded letters.

"This?" She hesitated. "Oh was that the bell? Better get to class." I laughed and took her hand as usual walking in like nothing was wrong. And nothing was wrong. Until I walked into English and saw Milly in my seat. But it wasn't just Milly. There was a boy hovering over her, their lips connected and her hands around his neck to keep her up. I looked him up and down and almost threw up when I realized who it was. I had to look a lot until I did but my stomach sank when I recognized him. His blonde quiff was unmistakable.

I walked over and coughed. They snapped apart and I smiled viciously. She was really testing it. She looked at me like she didn't know what was going on. She probably didn't.

"What?" She asked innocently. She knew how to piss me off but it wasn't going to work. Not this time.

"Please move out of my seat." I clapped my hands together and smiled, more like gnarled but at least I tried.

"Why? I was here first," she said innocently, she was acting like a two year old. All I wanted to do was slap her but, sadly, I couldn't. Not with everyone around. But if she kept pushing it I wouldn't care who was around.

"I sit here. Every lesson. The only reason you want to sit here is because you've found a new fuck buddy. Well I don't give a shit, move now or I'll move you. Got it sweetheart?" I said. This time my smile made it to a smile but it was sarcastic and she knew she had to move. And soon. But she wasn't going just yet. Oh no. Not Milly, she had to get the last word. She had to win. That's why we never got along. I was a strong personality and well she was, well stupid.

"Are you threatening me?" She stepped out from behind her 'make-out' spot which used to be my chair.

"Well I'm trying to ask you nicely, but your thick blonde skull doesn't seem to understand that so if it takes threatening I will and it won't just be a threat." I stepped forward so we were now chest to chest. I was about three inches taller than Milly usually but she was wearing heels. I looked down at the stupid ugly stilettos and laughed. She looked at me confused, I used my worn converse to kick the expensive heel from under her making her fall to her knees.

"You bitch!" She screamed, just as the teacher walked in I might add.

"Now Luke take this in, if you're with her she'll be in this position a lot," I chuckled before walking around her like a piece of shit on the side of the road. Which, for the amount I cared about her, she might as well have been.

As I sat down I saw Luke stare at me with cold eyes but I knew he was trying to stifle his laugh from my earlier comment.

"I know I'm gorgeous but you really don't need to stare all lesson," I said to Luke, loud enough so Milly could hear three rows in front but not loud enough to get caught. It had already been half an hour and I hadn't felt Luke's eyes leave me once. Those fucking blue eyes were piercing holes into my shoulder.

I saw Milly tense and I smiled to myself, knowing I could get to her just as easily as she could get to me.

The lesson couldn't end quicker. The bell rang and I instantly started packing my bag. The teacher called Milly to the front because of what she had said at the beginning of the lesson and I quickly slipped out before she could catch me.

It reached lunch and no one had even tried to approach me other than Kaela. It felt like everything was finally back to normal after the 'newbies' moving in.

"Hollie!" I heard a familiar bitch call.

"What now?" I groaned rolling my eyes and turning around. She was stood with her group and I could tell she was trying to intimidate me.

"You're a bitch you know that?" She snapped. I couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped my lips.

"No I didn't know," I said pouting.

"Well you are! You walk around like you own the place! You hate everyone you talk to and you look down of every single person here! You think you're the one that hates everyone when actually everyone hates you! You're just a fucked up whore who used to be suicidal! That doesn't give you an excuse to think you're above everyone else!" The words poured out of her mouth and now everyone was watching. I prayed they didn't hear the suicidal part but I knew that was why everyone was so interested.

"You know what Milly? Just go fuck yourself! You're just a stuck up rich kid who's too far up her own back side to realize that she's just as fake and plastic as a fucking chucky doll. You think everyone worships you, when all they want is the popularity you get because of your boobs. You know what? I don't care that anyone in this room hates me, apart from Kaela and you know that! I don't give a shit about you, or your 'gang' or anyone else because I'm happy with just being me! So if you have a problem you can fuck right off and shove it up your arse, with the rest of your opinions okay? I'm over everything that happened and you should be to. I haven't even done anything. I try to stay out of your way, so try and stay out of mine. I mean you try and get in my way to annoy me. You try to get everything I want before I even have a chance. I know that's why you're with Luke. Which makes no sense because he's a dick and I hate him, but just stop trying to beat me. Because you're the only one playing in this little 'game' of yours and you look stupid. Okay? So just get out of my way and let me eat my lunch okay?" I snapped. I smiled sweetly and she growled. She tipped the plate of pasta down my top as she walked past and started laughing. I looked down at the mess on me and when I looked up and three figures I didn't want to see we're stood there looking at me with shocked faces.

Luke's eyes quickly followed Milly as she walked away but Calum's gorgeous brown eyes and, now not Purple's, eyes were still glued on the mess that was me. I looked at Luke and I could tell he wanted to go. So I turned around.

"Milly!" I yelled out. She turned around and looked at me, confused and disgusted. "Don't forget your boy toy," I smiled and looked over to Luke expecting him to walk over to her. It took a while and a strong look off of Milly for him to walk over. The boys watched him, looking ashamed as they finally walked out and onto the field.

"Well she's a bitch," Kaela laughed awkwardly knowing what would come next. Questions.

A/N: I know it's not that long but it's going to be important later on in the story! Please let me know what you think!

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