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Ashton dropped me home that night and I fell asleep almost straight away.

"Wake up!" I heard someone shout in my ear. I groaned and turned around, slowly opening my eyes. Kaela was there. I jumped about 5 foot into the air and screamed.

"Jesus Kaela! You scared the shit out of me! Why are you here?" I told her as I sat up fixing my hair.

"I came to drag your lazy ass to school! You are not leaving me alone again so you can go and tongue Ashton," she said crossing her arms sternly.

"Gross! We were not making out... Most of the time." I blushed and she scoffed at me.

"Whatever come on I'm taking you to school no arguments." She pulled my arm so I rolled off of the bed and fell on the floor with a thud.

"Ow! I hate you!" I yelled throwing my pillow at her before slowly getting up and walking over to my closet.

Today I didn't care what I looked like. It might have been a Friday but I had no one to impress and nothing important to do. So I picked out a quick outfit and put my hair up, I slipped on my shoes, brushed my teeth and walked out of the door.

"Did you have breakfast?" Kaela asked. I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry," I replied.


"Don't start Kaela I'm fine I just didn't want any food that's all, I'll eat at school I promise," I cut in quickly not wanting to start this kind of debate again, Wednesday was bad enough.

"I just get worried sometimes," she said, taking my spare hand. I rubbed her hand softly and smiled gently at her.

"I know you do but when I say I'm fine I mean it, I want to forget about it today, we get a half day and our lessons are easy. Let's just enjoy it yeah?" She squeezed my hand and nodded.

"Are we going to the beach?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Could your brother to get us some drinks? To make up for Wednesday?" I suggested.

"I like your thinking," she said, letting go of my hand and getting her phone out and texting her brother.

"Hey, what was up yesterday?" I heard someone ask from behind me. I spun around and saw Purple standing there, but he wasn't purple haired anymore, it was red and black.

"How does the school even allow that?" I asked myself.

"What?" He said his eyebrows knitting together in complete confusion. My brain had no filter. Why couldn't I stop myself from saying things out loud? I was such an idiot.

"Nothing, I just felt awful that's it," I said abruptly not wanting to get into any kind of conversation with Redhead.

"Was it about what Milly said?" He asked. I wanted to reach out and slap him hard around his face but I restrained myself.

"No. It was nothing to do with that I felt awful now drop it." I spat. It wasn't a question it was an order. He looked shocked for a moment before nodding.

"But you're okay now right?" He asked as we began walking to the class we both conveniently had together.

"Yes Redhead I'm fine," I scoffed. "If I wasn't I wouldn't be in school." I carried on. I saw him smirk at the nickname he had quickly gained. He quickened his strides so he was walking next to me, making us gain some stares.

"Why are you being so abrupt? I was asking if you were okay or not!" He called as I sped up and walked in front of him yet again. I knew his legs were longer than mine and all he had to do was walk a little faster but he didn't, he stayed behind me.

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