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"Psst." I heard from next to me, I shook my head and smirked but kept my attention on the front of the classroom, as if I heard nothing at all.

"Mr Hemmings is there a problem?" Mr Macintosh asked him, I almost poured out in laughter as I looked at his tomato-red face staring at the teacher. "Well? Something you'd like to share?"

"Um no sir, sorry," he said, flustered suddenly. I stifled my giggle before it could be heard but I knew Luke had caught me as his smile was growing as well.

"Good now before class ends I'd like to give you an assignment." The class simultaneously groaned out loud. "It'll be due in two weeks and you have to have a partner," he continued, ignoring our obvious moans.

Hands went up everywhere.

"No you will not be able to pick your partners, I have them all written down and you have a topic each," he finished. My breathing started to quicken, what if I got someone I didn't like, or didn't want to talk to? What if they wanted to talk? What if the hated me? My chest began to tighten and I began panting to try and get the oxygen I needed, but it wasn't working. I looked around and I felt as if everyone was judging me, mentally sending me death threats. I wanted to disappear so I sunk further into my seat and tried to hide my worried, anxious state.

As Mr Macintosh started to read the names of pairs out my heart beat quickened and the grip on my chest got tighter. That's when I felt a hand. I jumped quickly but then I recognized the warm, large hand and looked over to Luke who's eyes were on me, worried. I smiled at him and have him a look that said 'thanks' and he smiled back letting me know he was here. I squeezed his hand as he came to both of our names.

"Hollie Patterson and Robert Foster," he said. I mentally screamed at him and I could no longer breathe at all. Robert was one of those boys that was incredibly popular, buff and just an all rounder, he had never even looked at me unless it was in disgust, he was almost more popular than Milly and her 'gang'.

"Hollie," I heard Luke whisper to me. I snapped out if my trance and looked at him. "Baby breathe," he said slowly. It took a moment to process what he said and I gasped for air, only just realising my lungs were collapsing. Then I noticed what he had called me and my skin erupted in goose bumps. He never called me by anything but my name, and H which I told him not to. I usually hated nicknames but this one made me feel wanted, and special and it made my tummy feel strange. It was like I was a ten year old getting her first crush. I breathed again letting him know I was okay. He looked relieved and squeezed my hand once more before looking back to the front of the class.

"Luke Hemmings and Milly Hamilton." I wanted to run screamed and judging by the sudden stiffness of Luke's hand, so did he. We had both got our worst nightmares, it was as if he knew who we both really didn't want to be with and put us with them. "Right next class I'll give you the topic of your assessment, I want you to sit with your partner so you can discuss ideas in class before taking it home." Mr Macintosh was now my most hated teacher ever.

The bell rang and both Luke and I quickly got out of our seats to run into the cafeteria, I wanted to leave this shit hole, it was slowly but surely ruining my life.

"See you on Tuesday babe," Robert flirted. I wanted to gag as he winked at me and carried on walking ahead of us. 'Babe'? Who did he think he was? Luke's grip on my hand got deadly.

"Hey!" he shouted, after Robert letting go of my hand to catch up with him.

"What do you want Aussie?" he replied with a roll of his eyes and a daunting laugh.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that, you hear me?" he spat, the venom in his voice almost scared me and I thought I saw his eyes flash black for a moment.

"Who? Oh you mean suicidal over there? Relax dude it was a joke," he joked. I stopped in my tracks. I had never wanted to just blend in this much in my life, and the fact I had to work with him made my skin crawl.

"Don't call her that!" he yelled, pushing Robert forward.

"Jesus dude chill out, why do you care anyway? You're not her boyfriend!" he shot back, his temper also disappearing quickly. I wanted to pull Luke away but I couldn't force myself to move. But what Robert said was right. Luke wasn't my boyfriend, we hadn't ever confirmed anything, just kissed a lot and slept in the same bed. We definitely weren't friends both of us had confirmed that, but he had never asked.

My mind wondered back to what Milly had said, I slapped myself for even thinking it was true but I couldn't help myself. With the added nervousness of them working together I was beginning to think all sorts.

"Actually I am 'dude' so fuck off okay? Leave my girl alone or I swear to god-" he stopped himself and I watched as he took a small breath to try and calm down. Everyone looked between us in utter shock, I didn't realize this many people had gathered until now and I was starting to get even more uncomfortable with the situation. I put my head down and stepped forward.

"Luke-" He didn't even flinch, but when I softly took hold of his bicep his expression completely changed, he looked at me with hurt and apology in his eyes. I tried to smile to let him know it was okay but it came out like a straight line, but he got it. "Come on like let's go," I said quietly nodding my head to the entrance of the cafeteria. He nodded and I dropped my hand to his as we walked away. It was over as quick as it had started and we left them all there staring in shock.

"I'm sorry about that I just couldn't see him do that to yo-" He tried to apologize once we had sat down but there was only one thing on my mind. Why did people stare at us as we walked past? Why were they shocked when he announced we were 'dating'?

"Luke am I ugly?" I asked him completely cutting his sentence off. "Sorry I just..." I didn't even know what to say without sounding like a complete idiot. I really doubted my figure, I hated my face but I could never know how other people saw me.

"No, Hollie you're one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, inside and out," he said sympathetically as he took my cheeks in his hands. "Why would you ever even doubt that?" he asked me looking bewildered.

"Well when you said you were my boyfriend - which we need to get back to-" He nodded. "Everyone just looked shocked and almost disgusted, like they never expected it, as if I wasn't good enough for you," I told him.

"Hollie that's not why they were staring. They were probably staring because I actually got to you, I cracked through your walls and I got the beautiful girl to finally trust someone. They were shocked because I'm yours not because you're mine. If anything Hollie I'm not good enough for you. I can't even believe I finally have you," he said to me. I felt my insides explode and I lent forward and kissed him, not caring that we were in school with hundreds watching us.

"So boyfriend huh?" I asked cheekily as he finally pulled back. He smirked and nodded.

"Only if you want of course, I mean uh, yeah, wait um do want you to? I mean do you want to? Like be my girlfriend," he stuttered completely fumbling for words. The awkward Luke had kicked in and I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh I don't know actually... I think I like this..." I teased.

"Really? I mean uh yeah sure I guess so." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I could tell he wasn't used to this completely.

"Luke I'm joking," I laughed.

"Oh." He slowly started laughing too and I finally reconnected our lips. It had only been a few moments since our last kiss but this one felt like the first time, it was different, more passionate and softer. I felt my stomach start to do flips and I knew it was cheesy and I hated it but I honestly - for the first time in my life - had fireworks.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this Lollie action! I wanted to show Luke's protective side as well as geeky and weird.

And by the way Anxious Hollie needed to make an appearance you'll understand why and it's not just going to disappear because she has a boyfriend, sorry.

And if anyone cares I have loads more chapters that I've kind of mapped out so hopefully this won't be ending soon!

If you read this far please vote and comment, I mean you should've anyway but yeah :) love you guys!

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