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I couldn't get home quick enough. I was currently in the car, stuck in traffic. I might not talk to my dad and I might dislike him but if anything serious were to happen to him, I don't know what I'd do. He's still my father after all, he made me.

Finally I arrived at my house. From the outside it looked like a normal, warm home. It was anything but. Inside it was separated and there was no emotion. There was a fireplace that never got lit, a dining room with a long table that never got used. I opened the door and familiar smell of alcohol flooded my nose. All the lights were off.

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and sprinted over to the section of the house I never visited. I had almost forgotten which door was their bedrooms.

"Lisa!" I yelled as I pounded on the door. No answer. "Li-MUM!" I screamed, hoping to get any type of attention. I heard shuffling and mumbling on the other side of the door.

Moments later I saw the handle move and I burst through, not caring who was on the other side. The first thing I saw was my dad, lying on the floor, unconscious. I turned around and saw my mum trying to regain balance.

"Great, you're both fucked aren't you? Is that why no paramedics or anything are here? You didn't want to call them and say you're too smashed to look after your husband?" She hiccuped. She fucking hiccuped.

"That's not how it." Hiccup. "I just wanted you to." Hiccup. "What do you think is wrong?" Hiccup. "He just, kind of started shaking and fell to the floor." Hiccup. "Do we need to phone the hospital?" I was fuming. How could she let this happen. They were adults, they were meant to be the responsible ones.

"Of course we fucking need to call the ambulance!" I screamed at her. I rushed over to my dad, who was still unconscious. His leg was twisted into an painful position and his arm was trapped under his body. "Lisa, phone the hospital now and tell them it's an emergency," I directed. She nodded in response, her head flopping as she didn't have full control of all of her muscles.

I moved my dad into the recovery position, his body fought back in every way possible but eventually he moved. I checked his breathing, it was normal. I sighed in relief and lent back against the wall nearest to him, making sure I could easily see if he had stopped breathing.

"Hollie!" Lisa squealed. I groaned.

"Yes?" She came stumbling back into the room, the phone held in her outstretched hand. I took it from her quickly, placing it by my ear.

"Hello?" I called hesitantly down the phone.

"Hi this is Hillary, can you explain to me what has happened as you wait for the ambulance?" she asked calmly.

"I think that my dad had a seizure and then passed out. I don't know when exactly but he is still unconscious."

"Okay, I need you to put him in the recovery position, is that possible?"

"I've already done that. When will the ambulance arrive?" I asked. I was getting pretty pissed off by how monotone her voice was.

"Shortly, don't worry. For now, all I can suggest is you try and make sure that he has nothing on his wrists or around his neck and that he is away from anything that can damage him," she suggested. I thanked her quickly before hanging up; I didn't want to listen to her anymore.

"When are they arriving?" Lisa asked me.

"They didn't say but it should be soon. I'll go and get you some water so you can attempt to sober up before they arrive." I got up from sitting opposite Steve and  pushed past Lisa, trying to get out of the door as fast as I could.

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