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Luke's P.O.V

Seeing Hollie stare at me like I was something that had ripped her heart out made me crumble. Kaela turned around and gave us a look which I knew by now, it meant 'please leave before everything gets 1000x worse and you never speak to the girl you like again.'

The thing was I didn't optionally leave Hollie. My mum didn't know where I was and called me early morning. I had to help my brother out so I had to leave. I came with Kaela to explain it to Hollie and try and get her to understand, my phone ran out that morning because I was texting the boys all night when she fell asleep on me; I didn't have time to charge it and call her. I knew explaining it would be hard but I couldn't let her carry on thinking I just left her, when that was actually the last thing that I wanted to do.

I never wanted to leave that girl. It was stupid knowing that I've know her or almost two months now but slowly she was luring me in. She was like my quicksand, once I'm in I can't get out and the more I tried the deeper I went. So I stopped trying. I didn't work.

"She'll come around mate," Calum said as the door slammed in our faces. He patted my back roughly and I sighed.

"We're talking about the same Hollie right? The one that hated me for a month straight. The one that doesn't talk to anyone for any reason. That Hollie?" I mocked. He looked at me and knew there wasn't anything he could say or do that would make me feel better.

I loved the boys, I really did, but they didn't have the power to make me smile when I was down. Hollie did. I hadn't known her for long but no matter what I would always feel happy thinking about her. About the way she got all flustered when she was angry and her sarcasm. The thought of Hollie made me smile.

"Come on mate, think positive! You spent a month hating each other and she came around! She will after a night that you spent together." I thought back to the first night that we had spent together, the problems that it had caused. I remember finding out what she had done, finding out that it wasn't just a soulless pit. That she had feelings and they ran deeper than any of us could understand. But I was determined to understand her. From the moment she had shouted at me or almost running her over I knew that she wasn't all she came across to be. And I was right.

"I'll see her in school," I murmured. I knew it wouldn't happen. That's the one place it would either all happen or not at all. And I had a feeling it wouldn't happen tomorrow. But I didn't care. I was going to try, and I wasn't going to stop until she opened up.


Hollie's P.O.V

I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud. I knew my parents would probably hear but they would either get up or fall back into their drunken comas.

"Kaela come on," I whined kicking her gently. She groaned and sat up slowly, very slowly.

"What? Five more minutes mum," she complained before flopping back down onto her pillow.

"Oh no you don't!" I grabbed a half empty glass of water and chucked it over the sleepy girl. She screamed and jumped out of bed. "Wow I haven't seen you move that fast since you found out they were selling Blink tickets across the block." I giggled. She growled at me, her eyes shooting daggers my direction. I just gave her an evil grin before turning and walking to my wardrobe, where I picked out today's outfit.

A black knitted oversized jumper, a pair of black jeans and some white converse to make sure I didn't look like something out of American Horror Story. I let my curly brown hair cascade over my shoulders and down my chest and applied a generous amount of mascara to my ice blue eyes. As I looked at my reflection I noticed the obvious bags under my eyes and circling my cheeks. I hadn't slept well last night, my mind kept going in circles about Luke and why he left and the only conclusion I could think of was that he didn't care. Letting out a small whimper at the sight of my dark skin, my fuzzy feelings weren't clearing. I added enough foundation to cover the rings, so no one thought I had been beaten up.

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