Chapter 70. Guilt

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70. Guilt


As soon as Kay hung up, Marc froze, still holding the phone in his hand and staring at the horizon. In a matter of seconds, all the negative feelings towards Kay went to a second term. Regardless of recent events, he knew Kay needed him and he'd be there for him.

With that determination, he turned to look at Jörg and, holding his gaze, said: "Kay needs me... I'm sorry." Having said that, he buttoned his shirt, pulled up his zipper and, putting on his boots, left the room, leaving Jörg sitting in the middle of the bed without saying a word.

He returned to his room, packed the things he brought with him, and went down to the front desk to pay the bill and ask for a taxi that it would take him to the train station to return to Munich. He would worry later about analyzing his own response to the caresses he had experimented with Jörg, and he would certainly look for it to be honest with him about what happened. On the way back, he thought about what he would say to Kay when he saw him, although the first thing was to be able to locate him since in the last hour he had tried to contact him without success. He was worried about Kay since he knew Kay very well and knew how impulsive he could be. The disappointment of realizing that this son wasn't his and the reaction he had when asked if he was with Jörg, made him feel worried.

He arrived at Starnberg at dawn, due to the time he had to wait at the station to take the first train to Munich, as well as the Hauptbahnhof to Starnberg See. He felt tired, however as he approached his house, he could see Kay's silver R8 Audi parked at the entrance.

"Scheiße! He's here..." –Marc confirmed, unable to avoid the tickle that he began to feel in his stomach -. He opened the door and entered the house, there was no sound. If he had not seen Kay's car outside, he would swear there was no one there; He went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of water that he drank in one gulp, and then climbed the steps slowly.

He went to the main room but it was empty and the bed perfectly made, so turning around, approached the studio. He knew that Kay used to take refuge there since when they fought or when he simply wanted to be calm he locked himself in that room for hours. He opened the door and found him with his back aiming at the door, lying in a fetal position on the soft carpet, which caused him great pain. He approached slowly until he reached Kay's side and breaking the sepulchral silence he pronounced: "Kay..."

Kay turned to him and Marc could see how much he was suffering, his face showed a deep sadness and it looked like he had been crying since his eyelids were swollen. He sat on the rug beside him and touched him gently on the back.

As soon as Kay felt his touch, he couldn't contain himself anymore and began to sob. He felt devastated by Emma's deceit and feeling Marc so close to him, made him forget for a moment the video that he had reproduced until he was tired, and that had made him imagine a myriad of possibilities between Marc and Jörg, to the point to think with deep fear, that now they could be together.

"Shhh... calm down... I'm here with you" Marc said while cradling him in his arms and whispering reassuring words in his ear... "Everything will be fine Kay" - Marc repeated again and again until little by little the sobs stopped and were replaced by uniform breathing. Marc looked at him only to corroborate that Kay had fallen asleep in his arms.

Holding him like that, made pleasant memories gather in his mind, feeling guilty for what had happened with Jörg a few hours before. Although it was true that they were broken up and that there was no "deception" involved, he didn't stop feeling heartbroken.

At some point Kay moved and instinctively, he settled closer to Marc. The heat radiated from their bodies when they were together, made him feel at home, made him feel protected.

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