Chapter 65. Perspectives

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65: Perspectives

Emma / Marc / Kay / Jörg

Once he got to Emma's house, he turned to the passenger seat, where she slept soundly. "She's definitely huge," Kay thought as he watched the bulging abdomen where his son was growing.

"Emma ..." he said as he moved her delicately. "Emma ..." -it wasn't until the second time he called her, that she woke up disoriented.

"We're here; I'll help you so you can get off, wait inside please, "Kay told her as he walked around the car to help her out.

Once Emma opened the door of her house, she invited him in, but Kay shook his head saying: "Thank you, but I must go; I'll call you tomorrow". And without giving her an opportunity to reply, he hurried away.


She watched with a stern expression as Kay started the car and left at full speed, leaving her alone in the doorway. Showing a gesture of annoyance, she turned around and headed inside.

Her house was only one floor, so it was relatively easier to move from one place to another because of her condition since last month it was difficult to move easily.

Once she got to her room, she began to undress to put on her pajamas; When she went to the bathroom, she passed in front of the mirror and stopped there for a moment to see her silhouette reflected; It was strange to realize how her body had become deformed at this point in her pregnancy, not only because of the bulging abdomen, but also because of her swollen feet, and even, her face looked different. "Who had said that pregnant women looked radiant?" She thought with a hint of sadness, remembering how distant she was from the sexy woman she once was.

With her fingers, she began to follow the lines of the stretch marks that crossed all over her abdomen while admiring the swell of her breasts, -they had grown considerably in the last weeks-, and a dark line that crossed her abdomen vertically, they completed their transformation.

She was afraid. It was a tangible fear for all the things that were hanging by a thread since a few months ago. It was funny to think that before she knew she was pregnant, she had made plans to have a child with Kay when he suggested that being a father was one of his most desired dreams.

Since she saw him for the first time, he had impressed her. He was a very manly and charming guy. Even when weeks later she heard the rumor that he was gay, she didn't believe it. It didn't seem so at all, and she absurdly thought that there could be something more than just a friendship. He was always nice and flirtatious with her, so that probably confused her thinking that she could change him. She was obsessed with him. She had always managed to attract any man and Kay was not going to be the exception. He was a challenge that she had set out to overcome.

But all her plans were ruined when she found out she was pregnant. A few weeks before, she had gone to a party and she had drunk too much; there she met a couple of guys and she had sex with them. It was not the first time she had a threesome, but it was the first time that due to alcohol, she had unprotected sex. As a result, a baby was growing in her guts.

But when Kay confessed to her that he and Marc had decided to look for a surrogate mother, she went crazy. She was not going to let Marc's plans ruined her life, and for that reason, she had decided to drug Kay. It was a lie that she felt repentant; at any cost, she had to get Kay to take care of her son and once the baby was born, she would tell him that she couldn't give him up for adoption. Thus, Kay would have to accept it and spend more time with her because of the baby.

With a little help, if she managed to complete her pregnancy, she could very well make Kay believe that the birth of her son had been several weeks ahead since this was something very common in first-time mothers. "Everything has to go according to the plan ..." She whispered for the umpteenth time, still looking at herself in the mirror.

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