Chapter 57. Lies

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57: Lies


He was driving on the highway without knowing where to go. In his mind, Marc's statement spun over and over again: "that son she is waiting for is not yours... is not yours, Kay".

Suddenly, he accelerated and whirled in the next exit to Gauting; he had to talk to Emma. What Marc had said was a complete stupidity, he was sure. He didn't understand why Marc had pointed out such a thing like that. "It couldn't be true" –Kay begged aloud-.

Kay didn't notice when he arrived at Emma's house since he wasn't conscious of the road; his mind spun like a whirlwind. "What if Marc's words are true?" –Kay thought with the fear instilled into his throat-. While he hugged the steering wheel with both arms and laying down his head on it, he decided what to do.

After a while, Kay got out of the car and noticed the temperature had descended considerably, a few minutes later he started to shiver due to he hadn't wear appropriate clothes.

It was almost ten o'clock at night and the lights were turned off at that time. Nevertheless, without caring to wake her up, he knocked on the door repeatedly. After a while, he could hear tired paces coming up of the door. Emma opened, and her face said it at all; she never expected to see him standing in front of her.

Kay looked at her carefully: she couldn't walk like a normal person due to pregnancy; her feet were swollen, and her face reflected concern. However, he had to recognize she was still a very attractive woman even for him.

"Kay? Is it everything ok?" –She asked while closing the space between them she hugged him-. "You're shaking". –Emma asserted-.

Unlike other times, Kay didn't avoid her. He felt helpless, without anything else to hold on. Again, problems with Marc were making differences between them. Lately, for some reason, there were more disgusting moments than the good ones and the feasibility of Marc's suggest was true made him feel even more miserable.

"Emma... Can I come in?" –He asked with an empty look-.

"Of course, this is your home. Please come in and tell me what's going on. –She begged.

Once inside, Kay sat down on the couch and before speaking anything he looked at her intensely. "I need once and for all you be completely honest with me..." –He demanded-.

Emma looked at him questioningly at the same time she was revolving in her seat nervously. "What's going on?" –She wanted to know-.

"This baby you're waiting for, it's mine?" -Kay released at the time-.

Emma paled. At that moment she knew Marc had discovered the truth and he had told Kay. She had disparaged Marc's acuity thus, breathing evenly and made herself offended, revolved the question: "How is it possible you be able to doubt? I'm really sorry because of the way things happened between us; however, never ever I'd play with something such important for us. "Why are you asking me this?" –She sentenced-.

Kay looked down at his sight. Suddenly, looking at her caressed her abdomen, he realized how stupid he was. It didn't matter how everything started, the reality was both had had sexual intercourses and clearly in front of him was the consequence of that. "Why Marc made him hesitate from something evident and who anyone could look at this situation was irrefutable?" –Kay thought without raising his sigh-.

"Kay? Look at me..." –Emma ordered taking by his chin-.

Kay raised his sight and hesitantly started talking: "I need you to answer me... Marc told me..."

He couldn't finish speaking. At that time, Emma interrupting him, she asserted: "I knew it... The fact he intruded on this whole thing made you doubt. I told you last time you came here, that he didn't want my child and he's doing everything he can to change your mind. It is your son and I'm not going to allow Marc said the opposite". "Marc is not the man he pretends to be Kay; He doesn't want to support in your desire to be a father". –She finished with circumspect face-.

When Kay noticed the decision in her face, she gave him all the security that he needed. Getting closer to her Kay hugged her tightly after gave her a soft kiss in the bulgy abdomen. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Emma. I'm ashamed because distrusted you; I don't know what's happening with Marc, but I'm clear who my priority is; so, you don't need to be worried about anything". –When Kay concluded, he got up and heading to the door, said: "I'm going... Please forgive me for waking you up. I'll call you tomorrow to see how you and my baby are".

Emma observed him calmly and nodding told Kay: "All right Kay, but please never ever doubt about your son because I won't allow he suffered because of your insecurities". – After saying that, she hugged him tightly-. Kay gave back the caress snuggling in Emma's neck hole; he needed desperately someone who embraced him.

After closing the door, Emma watched how he headed to his Audi and she smiled triumphantly.

Kay was driving more quiet and calm when he realized the necessity to talk to Marc and this time he'd have a decisive conversation with him. Marc had to understand once and for all that there weren't such as minimum opportunity to make him choose between him and his son. Kay was convinced of that. If he had to choose, Kay had made his choice.

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