Chapter 67. Imbalance

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67: Imbalance

Kay / Marc

Within the last hour, Kay walked from one side to another through the waiting room. He felt extremely nervous since it had been a long time since Emma had entered the operating room and he had no clue about what was going with her. "What if something went wrong?" He repeated for the umpteenth time.

A few moments later a doctor came out from the operating room, asking aloud: "Kay Engel?" As soon as he heard his name, Kay went straight to the doctor and with a small whisper, he answered staring at him as if trying to guess what he would say: "That's me ... I hear you, doctor".

"Are you the husband of Mrs. Emma Müller? -He asked-

Although the statement was not correct, now was not the time to explain, so nodding said: "Yes, please tell me how she and my baby are".

"It was a complicated intervention since we had to perform a cesarean because the baby could not be born by natural birth, however, everything went well. Congratulations Mr. Engel, you are the father of a healthy boy". -The doctor indicated him showing a wide smile-.

"Really?" Kay asked, breathing quietly for the first time that night, as he smiled and shook the doctor's hand.

"That's right, in a few more minutes; we'll bring your wife and the baby to their room. We're just practicing the routine check on the baby. "

"Thank you very much for the news; I was very worried because the birth came forward for about two months, and I thought ... I thought something could go wrong ... "- Kay confessed, unable to hide his happiness.

At that moment, the doctor looked at him with a condescending expression and said: "It seems to me that you are confused, the pregnancy was full-term, there was scarcely a week to complete the forty weeks of rigor; your baby is in perfect condition, weighed three kilos seven hundred grams and measured 52 centimeters. "

Kay looked at him with an indecipherable face. "What was he saying?" Suddenly, he began to feel a twitch in his stomach; apparently, he had not understood correctly what the doctor had told him, so he asked: "What do you mean with forty weeks, doctor?"

"In colloquial terms, Mr. Engel, your baby was born at nine months of pregnancy, so there is no risk of anything, don't worry about anything ... I have to go, but as soon as his wife is installed with the baby, the nurses will let you know so you can go up and see them. "He finished, as he walked towards the nurse's office.

An avalanche of emotions began to flood him. "Nine months ... It couldn't be!" At that moment Marc's words began to make sense; "Was it possible that he was so stupid?" "Was it possible that Emma had cheated on him all this time?" "So, Marc was right?" All those questions were gathering inside him, as he began to feel sick and nausea flooded him ... he wanted to vomit.

Quickly, he went to the restrooms and slammed the door behind him, looked at himself in the mirror as he splashed cold water on his head. "He didn't know how to explain what he was feeling ... If what the doctor said was true, his biggest dream was shattering ..."

With an uncertain step, he went to the nurses' station and asked for Emma. "They'll take her to the floor in half an hour," the nurse told him. Kay nodded and took a seat to wait. I'll confront her as soon as I saw her, "he said to himself, showing a grim face.


Especially that night he felt a little better than the previous days; He didn't know if it was due to the fact of leaving Munich, Jörg's company or the atmosphere that was generated in that place, but the reality was that he was enjoying the moment.

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