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9. Encounters


With a nervous pace, he headed for the hospital entrance. Too many emotions were contained. It seemed that a hole in the chest was opening more and more and made breathing difficult. Cold sweat ran down his spine, making him sweat copiously.

He had mixed feelings. On the one hand, after so many months of searching, He had news of him. But on the other, He could not even imagine him lying in a hospital bed.

He came to the front desk and asked for him. There he was informed that Kay was in intensive care and there were no visiting hours. In addition, he would have to ask for a special permission if he wanted to see him since he was not his relative. He decided to wait. He did not know how long he would have to be there, but all he was sure of was that he would not move until he saw him.

Many hours later, while he was sitting in the waiting room, the nurse who initially received him approached. Marc had, in the meantime, gone to speak with the hospital director to let him see "his friend."

"Official Borgmann: You can see him; officer Engel was transferred to intermediate therapy since the danger condition has passed; however, he does not respond to the stimuli and remains in a coma. Fifth floor, room 517. You can only stay there for a few minutes. "She explained.

As he listened to her, his heart began to beat a thousand and felt sick. He walked through the elevator and dialed number five. As he climbed, his mind was chaos.

He opened the door of the room and between wires and monitors, he saw it. There was the man who turned his world over.

As it often did, his mind traveled in time with incredible ease to the day he had known him. Nothing had changed. He was still as virile and handsome as he remembered. The beard of days made him look even better. Except for the mark of the attack he had suffered, it seemed that he was in deep sleep.

He sat down on the chair beside the bed and timidly touched his hand. He bent his head and gave him a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth. It had barely been a slight touch of his lips against that skin, but it had been enough to make him tremble. Stitches in the pit of his stomach touched him as he felt it.

"Kay! What happened to you? -Sob-. You do not know how many nights I've dreamed of this moment, seeing you, but not under these circumstances ... I've been in absolute despair to find you, to tell you how sorry I am. How I regret having been so cowardly and not accepting reality. "Ich Liebe Dich," he whispered in his ear.

After that confession, he began to cry. He covered his face with both hands, his body convulsing with tears. "Wake up please" ... "Scheiße!" He murmured.

At that moment the door opened. A man with dark hair and eyes of the same color as his own looked at him suspiciously. Marc, with one hand, wiped his nose and tried to wipe the tears that bathed his face. He got up.

Standing in front of that stranger, he noticed that they were almost of the same height. He looked away.

"They told me at the front desk that Kay had a visitor," Jörg said. "I thought it was someone from his unit, but I do not think so, right?" He asked, staring at him.

Marc did not know what to answer. As he watched, Jörg pointed out: "In view of the situation, I think we should introduce ourselves properly." "My name is Jörg and I'm Kay's boyfriend.

Marc swallowed hard. He began to feel a totally different feeling from what he felt a moment ago; something immediate, deep and painful. He felt the blood begin to run down his face and he flushed due to unfamiliar feeling. He did not know what to say, so without a word, he left the room.

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