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5: Unknown


He didn't notice when he moved from the carpet to the bed. But there it was, on a soft mattress and asleep on his side, it was that stranger. He had a broad, shapely back, with a shark tattoo that covered a large part of his right arm, his muscles well defined; His face on his side was almost perfect, except for the scar that pierced his cheek. "Even," Kay admitted, "it makes him look more attractive.

He remembered his name: Jörg. He also remembered that he was fun and he was definitely sure that they had had a good time the night before. However, like other times, he decided it was time to leave. He didn't feel like having an uncomfortable chat at this time of the morning.

Carefully not to wake him up, he jumped out of bed and started looking for his clothes. His wrinkled shirt was lying at the foot of the bed, and down the hallway, he could follow the trail of his belongings.

He was buckling his military boots when he heard a deep voice behind him.

"Are you leaving without saying goodbye?" - asked Jörg.

Kay turned and saw him stands in the doorway of the bedroom. He could see the growth of his beard and dressed only in trousers which let him see a well-worked torso. In daylight it was much more attractive, "he admitted.

"Quiet man, I'm not one of those guys who walk through life looking for a relationship". "We had a good time, we fucked and that's it ", said Jörg. "If we meet again and things happen ... well, but if not, nothing happens." -Declared-.

"It's not that," Kay replied with a half-smile, "it's just that I have to go ... But I had a good time too," he finally admitted.

An hour later after having a coffee and chatting, they said goodbye and Kay went home.

One night, Kay and his team were clubbing in a bar near the police station celebrating the bachelor party of one of the squad members. While toasting and joking, his cell phone rang. It was Jörg. He was inviting him to a presentation that he'd give in Milch und Bar.

This was how they gradually began to get closer and maintaining a very peculiar relationship. Even though they weren't a couple, they had occasional sex, but mostly they started to trust each other. Each time, they spent more time together. It was a mixture of camaraderie and mutual attraction, with no established rules or ties.

Despite all these good things he was living, didn't even remotely approach what he lived during the time he was with Marc. -He recognized with infinite nostalgia-.

 -He recognized with infinite nostalgia-

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