Chapter 62. Sorrow

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62: Sorrow


Marc came back home when it started to dark. He'd unburdened enough to feel a little bit calmer; nevertheless, sorrow still provoked him the sensation to have a big hole in his chest.

Outside was Kay's car; however, when Marc opened the door, there were no lights. "For sure he went out to jog" –He thought relieved to not found him on his path-. Marc turned on the hall's lights, and he did the same in the living room and the kitchen since the darkness made him feel worst. When he reached into his bedroom, he was able to visualize Kay sat on the bed in complete darkness. He turned the lights and both looked at each other.

Kay's expression said everything: he looked the same or even worse devastated than him; however when their gazes met automatically Kay changed his expression and getting up took a suitcase that was near to his feet.

"You came..." –Kay pointed-. "I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to leave. If you want you can stay here and pay the house's bills, I'm going to look for another place". –He assured showing an inexpressive face as if he was a poker player.

Marc looked at him. Despite how bad he felt because of all that was happening, he decided not to show him was beaten in front of him. "He doesn't deserve it" –He thought wounded-. Marc was so tired to fight against him and to demonstrate to him how wrong he was, that he only could say: "No problem, I'll take care of the house" –and without waiting for an answer, he went out from the room-. He felt hurt in the deepest, so when he heard Kay's paces headed downstairs he didn't do anything to prevent him from leaving.

The next morning, Marc had a hard time getting up due to the night before he couldn't sleep thinking how easy it had been for Kay to aside him from his life no matter the reasons to do it.

At the moment Mac arrived at the unit, he went straight to his office and closed the door. He didn't want to see anybody, especially Kay. He knew if he did so, he'd get down right there and he'd ask him to rethink all absurd decisions. So, to avoid that painful situation he stood there all day long.

The afternoon went by paperwork and meeting which helped him to forget for a moment his personal issues. When he looked at the clock, this marked time to go home, but as he knew nobody was waiting for him at home, he decided to stay working for a while.

The sound of the phone brought him out of his musings, when he picked up, heard Jörg's profound voice: "Marc, I've been thinking of you all day long, how things are going?"

Making a grin of sadness, he responded: "They can't be worse; Kay and I broke up" –Marc declared with a choppy voice.-

"Scheiße! What are you saying?

"I'm saying that we haven't been able to fix our differences; Kay stills think that Emma's baby it's him and... well... you can imagine the rest" –Marc ended with a whisper, not before deciding it wasn't worth to tell him about jealous scene Kay made because of his friendship with Jörg-.

"I can't believe the way Kay is influenced by Emma... As a matter of fact, I called him before but he didn't take my call... I imagine he doesn't want to speak with anyone" –Jörg pointed ashamed.

"If you knew" – Marc thought, at the same time he turned off his computer. He had had enough for this day-. "Jörg, can we talk later? I really don't feel good today" –He recognized-.

"Marc, I really hope things can be fixed; nevertheless is not good you be alone..." "Do you want me to pass by and go out to dinner? –He offered-.

"Nein...Danke but tonight I'm definitely not in the mood. It will be another time" –He said hanging the phone.-

Almost at ten pm, he parked his car in the garage. He entered his house and turned on all the lights; he felt alone. He headed directly into the kitchen and opening the fridge started to take the ingredients to make a sandwich. Sitting on the kitchen's counter, accompanied his dinner with a beer while he remembered with infinite nostalgia the last time he had Kay sat exactly there.

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