Chapter 32: Mission

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32: Mission

Marc / Kay

The next day Marc was on his way to the boardroom; all the leaders of each department had a monthly meeting, in which they reviewed the priorities of the Unit and the most important tasks that they had to attend.

Waiting for the Chief of Police, the rest of the team was drinking coffee and exchanging banters between them. Kay was sitting in front of him but didn't see him; his gaze was fixed on his mug with the lost gaze. "What would he be thinking?" Marc wondered as he glanced at him.

Five minutes later they started. During the first half-hour the meeting was held without major setbacks; reviewing the results of the last month and some pending tasks; however, things changed when they were notified that they would have to travel to Hamburg because of a special mission; one of the leaders of the drug gang had been captured in that city and required Marc to travel there with the head of the Riot Control Unit, Kay.

Both looked at each other for a few seconds and then looked away. Their flight was leaving that night. As soon as the meeting was over, Kay got up and left without looking back.

It was eight o'clock when Kay arrived at the airport. He had enough time to document and drinks a coffee. "It would be a difficult week not only because of traveling with Marc but also for the work itself." He acknowledged as he picked up the boarding pass.

He sat down at the restaurant table closest to the gate and ordered a coffee. While he waited for the time to board, he saw people hurrying along.

Marc knew that the flight was full when he wanted to change his seat since he was assigned to the window and hated it, but he consoled himself thinking that it was only an hour with fifteen minutes of flight.

When they called to aboard, Marc went to the line and entered the aircraft; hadn't seen Kay in the gate, which was strange because according to the itineraries that sent them was on the same flight as him.

Calmly Kay finished the rest of the coffee and headed for the living room; saw that the last passengers were boarding and took his place behind them. He was the last person to aboard; "Well ... he had not met Marc, at least he would have another hour before he saw him," he thought.

Inside the plane, he was looking for his seat when he saw him. There was his vacant seat and next to the window was Marc. "Pfff... Really?" "Did the assistant buy us the flight together?" Kay thought as he sat down.

"Hi." Marc greeted him.

"Hi," Kay said as he tightened his seat belt.

Once they took off and having passed the twenty thousand feet, Kay took out his laptop and began to check the files that had been sent to them related to that case. He was reading the reports when he spotted Marc lying with his eyes closed, leaning against the back of the seat; he thought he was asleep when he noticed that with one hand he touched the bracelet he had given him. He felt a kind of satisfaction that he had not only preserved it but also wore it. That meant something, he was sure.

All the way from the airport to the hotel both remained silent. Kay was staring out the window and Marc staring straight ahead. When they arrived at The Madison - the Hotel they had been assigned - they went directly to the front desk to check-in.

"You go first," Marc said, pointing to the counter.

Kay didn't answer him, went ahead and spoke directly to the young woman at the reception. "Hello, I have a reservation, my name is Kay Engel."

"Good evening Mr. Engel, allow me a second please"; "Here, I have your reservation: it's for five nights and Mr. Borgmann is with you, isn't it?"

"Yes, he will also stay, but in a moment he will do his registration," Kay answered.

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