Chapter 48. Struggle

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48: Struggle

Marc / Kay

A month later, Marc and Kay were in front of their new home, located in the same place where Marc began to live when he arrived in Munich. It was a beautiful large two-floored Victorian House overlooking Starnberg See, with an amazing garden. They were joyful because of the day before they had signed the leasing contract for at least a year, and with the option to acquire the house in the future. Happiness was felt in the environment; it seemed like everything was going well. However, Emma's pregnancy still meant a problem due to the fact that she hadn't decided what she wanted to do.

During that month, Kay phone her almost every day and two times he had to visit her because, according to Emma, she felt indisposed. However, Marc felt a little bit awkward for the attention that Kay provided her since he believed this woman didn't deserve it. However, he didn't mention anything to Kay since he could see how excited he was.

Two more months passed in a similar dynamic; despite the fact that things were going well between them, the fact that Kay had to go to see her constantly, decrease the time to share between them; Marc was trying not to feel anger, but he couldn't do it. Deep down, he was jealous of seeing Kay more and more involved with Emma even though he knew there was no emotional bond to her, Marc couldn't shake off that feeling.

It was Saturday at noon and Kay would go and see her. He told me that he'd come back early to do something together. "I'll be back early, pussy," he said as he hurried to the door. Marc only nodded and continued to read a report of the work. Once alone, the nostalgia was invading him little by little; He had time not to feel this way, so he tried to get rid of that feeling deciding to do something special for Kay on his return.

He left the reading on the desk and turning on the laptop began to look for recipes. He'd prepare a romantic dinner and surprise Kay with his culinary skills. "I couldn't really cook a couple of eggs, but there was nothing the Internet couldn't solve," he thought in a funny mood-. Marc wrote all the ingredients in a piece of paper, once he finished, he took the car keys and headed to the supermarket.

Two hours later, he returned with several bags and hurriedly entered the kitchen. Once he had unpacked the stuff, he put on an apron, pulled out his iPhone and chose his favorite playlist, getting down to business. He spent the whole afternoon trying to follow the recipe; while he was in tears because of the onion he was stinging. "Scheiße! I'd have bought the food already made" - he complained while trying to follow the recipe. A while later, he put the stew into the oven and sat exhausted on the table, opening a frozen Spaten from the refrigerator.

Already recovered from such arduous work, he put a bottle of wine in the fridge and began to set the table with the new dishes and wide candles in the center. "Perfect!" He complimented himself mentally as the oven began to dismiss an exquisite scent. "It was not so difficult, after all," and grinning from ear to ear, he turned off the oven. Everything was ready, so he looked at his watch, Marc started up the stairs two at a time. Kay would soon arrive and Marc wanted to receive him already dressed to delight in his face of surprise. He went into the bathroom, opened the shower, and went to bathe. Twenty minutes later, Marc was ready. He had put on the shirt that Kay had given him a few months before and also he was wearing the perfume that Kay liked so much. He opened another beer and he sat on the couch waiting for him.

Almost an hour later, and a little anxious, Marc called him. After three rings he heard Emma's voice. "Hallo, Marc, how's it going?" As soon as Marc heard her voice, he tensed immediately.

"Emma ... where's Kay?" He asked without warning.

Kay fell asleep keeping me company and I didn't want to wake him ... "- she suggested in a tone that annoyed Marc too much.

Impatiently, Marc replied, "I want to talk to him."

He heard only a snort of annoyance on the other side of the line and seconds later Marc heard, "Kay, handsome ... Marc is calling you on the phone."

By this time, Marc was about to lose his grip. "Scheiße!, Scheiße!" He hissed.

He heard Kay's husky voice because of the dream: "Hallo?"

"Kay ... have you seen what time it is?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Marc ... I fell asleep ... sorry" -he heard Kay's apologize. "I'm going home ... I'll see you soon, okay?"

Marc took a deep breath before answering, "All right, drive carefully." And saying this he hung up.

He was annoyed, but he tried to collect all the calmness he was capable of since he wasn't going to allow that bitch spoiled his plan. He looked at his watch; it was close to eight o'clock at night, so Kay would be arriving in just under an hour. Sitting in front of the TV he continued to drink his beer.

When his clock struck ten-thirty his patience had vanished; he went to the kitchen, opened the oven and took out a cold dinner and tossed it in the garbage basket.

He turned off the lights and returned to the living room; as he settled into the chair, he thought of how stupid he'd been trying to surprise Kay. "Well, the surprised one was you big jerk," he scolded himself, trying to control the mixture of rage and pain he felt.

Fifteen minutes later, he saw the lights of Kay's car illuminating the house as he parked. Then he heard Kay opening the door and turning on the lights.

When he opened the door and saw the house turned off, for a moment he thought that Marc was already asleep, but what was his surprise to see Marc sitting on the couch. He watched him with a face that couldn't hide how upset he was. "Scheiße!" Kay murmured as he made his way to where Marc was.

"Marc forgive me ... It's just that Emma started feeling bad and she asked me not to leave until her friend came to keep her company." Kay apologized in a distressed tone.

Marc said nothing. He just looked at him and grimacing, he went to the kitchen and opened another beer. Kay followed him a few steps back when he saw the table with candles that never were lit and a smell of food coming from the trash can, he felt really bad.

"Scheiße! What did I miss? "Kay asked, already knowing the answer in advance.

"Nothing ... You didn't miss anything," Marc replied annoyed.

"Marc ... I didn't know ... Bitte" Kay told him as he tried to hug Marc.

Marc released his embrace with a gentle push as he said, "You know? Forget it ... since that woman returned to our lives, you have lost the compass of what really matters. "And he continued: "You don't realize that taking advantage of her pregnancy, she is manipulating you, and the worst thing is that there are still three months away ... I don't know if I can follow the step "- he concluded raising his voice.

Kay didn't understand Marc's attitude. He was supposed to support him and in his eyes, he wasn't doing it. "Marc, I think it's not that bad," he replied a little annoyed. "You have to understand what you're talking about my son, and if I spend time with her, it's for the baby, that's all."

Marc looked at him and left the half-bottle on the table. "Forget it; I'm not going to argue with you." Having said that, he put on his jacket and took the car keys and slammed the door.

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