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16: Perspective


The weeks after his re-encounter had been the most difficult in months; it was not the same to remember him as to see him almost every day without speaking to him. Ignoring him whenever they saw each other was much more painful than he had imagined. He crossed a thought in his mind to ask for another transfer but quickly dismissed the idea. "Another one in less than 24 months?" He questioned himself. Besides, deep down, knowing him nearby made him feel good, even though Marc had looked a little deteriorated lately, his beard was full of days and his eye-bags were deplorable. He was worried about seeing him like this, but he said that it was not his problem, and Betinna or Marc would fix their situation. He was convinced that it was not because of him that Marc was in that state.

He had been home for almost a month, practically ever since he rejoined to the Unit. The first day of his return, he found a paper on which was written an address and a telephone. It was Marc's asking him to contact him. He looked at it and instead of throwing it; he put it in the drawer of the dresser.

While he continued to see Jörg sporadically, they had decided by mutual agreement to put some distance between them. So, when Jörg was offered a tour of three weeks, he accepted without hesitation. "It's a good opportunity for you to put your feelings in order and what you want in your life," he had said.

Before boarding the plane that would take him to tour several cities, he said in a farewell manner: "I think that whatever we have goes beyond a simple physical attraction; I have the bad habit of saying things as I feel them and bluntly, that's why I tell you that since he came back you're not yourself. " "Regardless of what you and I have, you must decide what it is that you want in your life." "Life is a sigh and you should live it intensely." He finished, not before giving him a brief kiss.

Kay smiled sadly and watched him turn around to head for the airport controls. In spite of everything, he was right. However, he did not want to go through another disappointment, so he banished that thought and advanced to the parking lot.

There, he boarded the newly acquired Audi R8 silver and drove at full speed onto the freeway without a fixed course.

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