Chapter 29: Hope

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29: Hope


Because of the strong situations he had lived his life, he was accustomed not to be weak in front to others; and in general terms, he did quite well. But due to recent events, he felt miserable. He was sitting in the waiting room and he was waiting for his turn to take off their stitches, as he reconsidered it.

He had really fucked it, hitting the glass only showed a complete lack of control of the temper that characterized him; and of course the boss of the division wasn't at all pleased with what had happened, for without a hand he could do practically nothing; reason why he had sent him home to recover. "Scheiße! He hissed meanwhile he got up to go to the doctor's office.

Not going to the Unit also meant not being able to see Marc or know how he was since he kept not answering the calls every time he tried to get in touch with him.

At that moment the beep of a message rang, he checked his phone and could see that it was Jörg making jokes about his visit with the doctor. He had seen him a couple of times, and it seemed there had never been a break between them. Jörg continued to maintain his excellent sense of humor and tried by all means to cheer Kay, but in the end when he saw that all his attempts were in vain, seemed to give up to his attempt. Kay thanked him since he didn't feel like pretending he felt good since it was not like that at all.

When he left the hospital without the sutures and with a lot of recommendations from the doctor to rehabilitate the hand, he received a call from Alexander.

"Kay, how are you?"

"Fine thanks. I'm getting out to the doctor's office, "he said in turn.

"Perfect, are you ready to break another mirror?" He teased. "I'm calling because we're planning a surprise party for Marc; His birthday is next weekend and we thought you'd like to be there." What do you say, can we count on you?"

WTF... He had completely forgotten it...

After a long silence on the other side of the line, Alexander asked, "Kay, are you still there?"

"Yes, I'm here ... sure, you can count on me." "What do you need me to help you with?"

"Nothing, everything is ready, we will do it in my house; I talked to Marc and invited him to have a few beers ... He cannot imagine it." He finished with a laugh.

When he cut off the call, he felt like a jab in his stomach. He was nervous because he would see him and it would be a good opportunity to settle things between them. He said excitedly.

That Saturday morning had gone running earlier than usual since he hadn't been able to sleep because of the excitement of seeing him; when he returned to his house to take a shower, it was just beginning to dawn. "I had a lot of things to do, including picking a suitable gift for Marc."

Two hours later he was going to Inhorgenta - an exhibition of jewels with the signatures of the most prestigious designers. He walked for a long time without finding anything he liked; when suddenly looking at a dresser he saw it. As soon as he did, he knew that was the gift he was looking for.

It was a leather bracelet with a link in the form of infinity in platinum attached to it; asked the clerk to show it to him and while watching him closely, the salesman said: "we can printing what you want in it ..."

Forty minutes later, he left the place with the bracelet inside a velvet box and the initials M & K engraved on the back part. "Perfect." Snorting with the result, he climbed into the car.

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