Chapter 22: Vulnerable

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22: Vulnerable

Kay / Marc

"What ...?" He started to say.

"Can you go out?" "I don't want to have an uncomfortable encounter with your wife," Kay replied.

"I'm alone, do you want to come?" Undecided Kay entered the apartment.

Once inside he offered him a beer. They went straight to the kitchen and began to drink. Unlike before, the silence between them was uncomfortable, so he decided to break it: "I thought you were busy."

Kay didn't answer. Without another word, he approached Marc and touched his face as he looked at him fascinated as if he had not seen him in months. "I need to be with you ... Are you sure we can be here?"

In response, Marc took his wrist and took him to the bedroom.

He turned on the light, space was dim and he could see a large bed, next to a small bureau and a chair to one side; a pair of jeans was resting on the back of it. As Kay watched the room, he felt Marc behind him and how little by little with both hands he caressed around his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt.

Kay turned and their gazes crossed, he could see in Marc's eyes a mixture of devotion and desire at the same time. Bit by bit the clothes were removed until they were completely naked. Marc came to kiss him. Opening his mouth, Kay welcomed Marc's tongue; deepening the kiss and tilting his head for a better reach. He let out a moan of pleasure as if it were a sign of no return.

They went to the bed, Marc didn't rush, put on top of him and began to kiss him; quickly, Kay reversed the papers and now it was he who was on top of Marc. He gave him brief kisses on the neck, down the chest and on the flat abdomen until to be between his legs. There, he began to stimulate him first with his hand and then - since he was excited enough - with his mouth. He delighted in Marc's response of pleasure.

Kay lay back on Marc enjoying this intimate caress when he suddenly glanced to the side of the bed and could see a couple of pictures on the desk. The first one was Marc carrying his little boy. The other, one that he didn't even know existed, was the one that pressed his chest; he never knew who took that pic, but there they were in the academy, in profile, both laughing and looking at each other. "What was going on there?", "All this time since they met again, he assumed that he was still with Betina and from what he saw he was completely wrong ..."

Probably it was the sum of everything: that intimate caress, the discovery that Marc really loved him or watching his face of satisfaction while he between his legs kissed him from the base to the tip, while the touch of the mattress against his penis excited him more and more; but the moment he felt that Marc was ejaculating into his mouth, Kay had the most intense orgasm he'd ever felt.

Thus they spent a long time in which they met again, loving each other in silence, touching each other and making love until they fell asleep.

A sob from Marc was what woke him up. Lying on his side, Kay's hand rested on Marc's thigh.

"Hey, Marc, wake up ... it's just a dream," Kay whispered.

Marc woke up suddenly and sat up. Again there was that dream that pursued him, different circumstances and different places but invariably Kay ended up abandoning him and he was left in absolute solitude. He looked about him disoriented and saw him lying on his bed, and then remembered what had happened just a few hours earlier and calmed down.

"It was just a bad dream," Marc murmured.

"Come, come back here," Kay said as he opened his arms to cradle him.

As Marc huddled in his arms he whispered, "Ich Liebe Dich," and without waiting for an answer he fell asleep again.

It was the first time he had heard Marc say those words, but the emotion he felt made him take it by surprise and didn't know what to say. He laid still listening to his own heartbeat and feeling the heat emanating from his lover's body, listening to his slow breathing. Holding him in his arms, he squeezed him even harder and kissed him softly on the temple; while a couple of tears trickled down to Marc's face.

The next days went by, going to work in the mornings and sharing together almost every afternoon. Little by little the relationship between the two changed. They used every moment to go jogging, to go to the movies and to eat or they simply stayed in bed in silence after sex; but that silence was no longer uncomfortable at all.

At no time did they talk about the subject, nor did they clarify the type of relationship they maintained, it seemed that both were afraid to ruin what they were living as if this peculiar bond were hanging from fragile threads. But the reality is that they have never felt so complimented before. They both knew. The chemistry between them was growing if that was possible.

They understood each other perfectly, not only in bed but also outside. Many times it was not even necessary to speak; a simple glance was enough to communicate with each other.

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